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Practice Swings--This Drives Me CRAZY
Jason Patterson
Professional Champion
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The 'Playing with Hackers' thread inspired me.

I can't stand it when I get paired with a hacker that takes 1-3 practice swings on every shot, then when he stands over the ball and takes a live swing it goes 20 yards. Walk up to it and repeat the maddening practice swing routine with similar results.

Here's the deal, I don't have an issue with playing with hackers, nor do I have an issue with partners that take practice swings before a shot. But if you are a high handicapper, and your preshot routine isn't helping your ball striking: Please, for the love of all things holy, do NOT take a warm up swing. It's not helping and only prolonging the misery. There's no TV cameras on you and trust me, no one on the course wants to see it.

Thanks for letting me rant. It happened to me again recently and it's been bugging me. Again, let me be clear, I don't care if I get paired with a guy that shoots 150, I really don't. It's just that guy that in the triple digits and trying to look like a tour pro before every swing that makes my head spin.
Professional Champion
# 1    4/20/2012 9:26:48 PM   
I almost never take a practice swing. The only time I will take one is not to even for practice. I take one or two on the first tee to get loose and pop any joints that need it and I might rage one if I have been waiting for a while to take a shot. Other than those two situations it is usually just s little waggle of the club and then let it fly.

I also can not stand it when someone takes 4 or 5 practice swings and takes a divot with every one of them. They then go on to hit the ball 30 yards with a fat shot or hit it 50 yds over the green because the skulled the crap out of the ball.

Professional Champion
# 2    4/20/2012 10:22:50 PM   
Most of the time I never make a full practice swing. I will sometimes do a half-swing to work on the feel I want through impact...but only one. You can accomplish everything you need to with the waggle.

I think higher handicappers keep doing practice swings until they get that perfect feeling of the club just barely brushing the turf. Then, they think to themselves "I've got it now!" But of course, we all know where the ball goes after that.

If you're a habitual practice flash for ya: Your swing doesn't magically improve in those 5 practice swings before you hit the ball. Pay more attention to your setup and waggle, and less on practice swings...and I bet your shots will improve.

Mark Simmons
# 3    4/20/2012 10:23:50 PM   
I can't stand it when I get paired with a hacker that takes 1-3 practice swings on every shot, then when he stands over the ball and takes a live swing it goes 20 yards. Walk up to it and repeat the maddening practice swing routine with similar results.

Hey it's working. Look how consistent he is!!!

Seriously, if they only knew how this was drawing attention to their game. Because when you play the game that bad the last thing in the world you want is everybody to notice.

Mark Simmons
# 4    4/20/2012 11:13:59 PM   
If you're a habitual practice flash for ya: Your swing doesn't magically improve in those 5 practice swings before you hit the ball. Pay more attention to your setup and waggle, and less on practice swings...and I bet your shots will improve.

This is GREAT advice.

Professional Champion
# 5    4/21/2012 7:09:04 AM   

If you're a habitual practice flash for ya: Your swing doesn't magically improve in those 5 practice swings before you hit the ball. Pay more attention to your setup and waggle, and less on practice swings...and I bet your shots will improve.

This is GREAT advice.

Yes indeed, they need to take the 5 extra swings and take them to the freaking range. (ok thats my rant) I take one swing behind the ball looking at my line, setup, waggle, and hit its simple as that.

# 6    4/23/2012 11:18:23 AM   
I'm old and only have so many good swings for each round so I don't want to give them away. lol About the only time I take a practice swing is on a feel shot. a shot that is not going to be a full swing. or if my back is getting real painful, I will swing just to see how much it's going to hurt so I'm ready for the pain.

# 7    4/23/2012 12:07:05 PM   
I hear ya, good rant! lol ;p
I rarely take pratice swings sometimes it hinders me sometimes it helps with those not practiced situations but for the most part not really part of my routine. I think its mostly cause I play with guys who play from the tips (they noramlly walk) and once they hit I have to rush to my tee box, pick a target, line up and go all before they catch me cause otherwise I feel like I'm holding them up and sometimes they forget that I'm there and walk right in front of me. When I can get to my tee box (not in their line of sight) then I might take a few practice swings while I'm waiting for them to hit.
yes, all of them take at least one pratice swing...and they are all under 10 handicap.

Professional Champion
# 8    4/23/2012 1:03:06 PM   
just hit the darn ball

Professional Champion
# 9    4/24/2012 8:24:07 PM   
So long as the pre-shot routine does not include 5 practice swings, right? I feel sorry for "hackers". We all used to be one of them, remember? Be patient and explain to them they are throwing away their best swings. I do a practice swing behind the ball while getting my line then step up to the ball and concentrate on lining up correctly. I take two looks at my target to get it engrained in this old brain of mine then take the shot. One thing I have never understood about golfers. Why are we so excited to get out to golf and then in such a rush to get off the course as quick as we can? Dont get me wrong, I don't like long rounds more than 4 1/2 hours, but why do people feel like they have to get on and off in less than four hours? Geez, guys enjoy the game, it is okay to take proper time for a shot, so long as you know what you are doing and help the poor hackers out with patience and a good memory of when you were one.

Mark Simmons
# 10    4/25/2012 11:38:59 PM   
One more thought...

Practice with purpose. When I take a practice swing I do so because I am trying to refine something very specific.

For example, recently I started getting 'armsy' with my chips and pitches. So I took some practice swings specifically to insure I got a swing that was connected, and was using my big muscles and making a good turn.

More often than not, those who take practice swings on the course do so without any purpose and swings that didn't look anything like their 'real' swing.

That is just a waste of time.

# 11    4/25/2012 11:43:44 PM   

One more thought...

Practice with purpose. When I take a practice swing I do so because I am trying to refine something very specific.

For example, recently I started getting 'armsy' with my chips and pitches. So I took some practice swings specifically to insure I got a swing that was connected, and was using my big muscles and making a good turn.

More often than not, those who take practice swings on the course do so without any purpose and swings that didn't look anything like their 'real' swing.

That is just a waste of time.

Thanks for stating my thought. I will always take a couple practice swings with short game shots trying to get the feel and thought for that shot I am about to make. It helps greatly. To just walk up and chip away to me just won't cut it. I want that feel.

# 12    4/25/2012 11:47:20 PM   
I may add if I am wanting to work the ball draw or fade with Driver I will most definately take one or two pre-shot swings to get that feel/memory of that shot in the swing.

# 13    4/26/2012 8:42:45 AM   
1 swing, walk behnid ball get line, walk up address it and go...that is my routine all of 10 seconds or so!

Professional Champion
# 14    4/26/2012 11:40:15 AM   

So long as the pre-shot routine does not include 5 practice swings, right? I feel sorry for "hackers". We all used to be one of them, remember? Be patient and explain to them they are throwing away their best swings. I do a practice swing behind the ball while getting my line then step up to the ball and concentrate on lining up correctly. I take two looks at my target to get it engrained in this old brain of mine then take the shot. One thing I have never understood about golfers. Why are we so excited to get out to golf and then in such a rush to get off the course as quick as we can? Dont get me wrong, I don't like long rounds more than 4 1/2 hours, but why do people feel like they have to get on and off in less than four hours? Geez, guys enjoy the game, it is okay to take proper time for a shot, so long as you know what you are doing and help the poor hackers out with patience and a good memory of when you were one.

Well said..!
go out and enjoy.