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Went to work yesterday and decided to duck out after a few hours. Found myself with about 5 hours to fill before I went back home. I decided since I was in town anyway I'd hit golf galaxy and window shop. Since the season ended, all I've done this winter is go to work, quit smoking (again), start a diet, and work out. It's been too cold to go in the garage and take practice swings, and I can feel the rust accumulating. Anyway, luckily, GG was dead as a doornail leaving the hitting booth wide open. I asked the guy if I could test drive some of the new drivers out this year and he obliged. I think he was bored and happy to have the company.
For thw next 1/2 hour I tried everything and loved the 915d2 9.5 the best. The next 1/2 hour I did nothing but hit that 915 smiling as I put out drive after drive between 260-275 (guess all those sit ups, push ups, squats, and pull ups are paying off.). He told me to bring in my 913 to compare it side by side with the 915. Needless to say, I had a ball. My question to you who have been fitted before is (and I kick myself for not asking him because he was so chatty) is: I was hitting a Blueboard stiff 62g, A1 setting, and averaging 100-107, 3200 rpm backspin, 10-16 degrees of launch, avg. 10 yards offline left or right...Is the backspin too high, would a different shaft or setting lower it (if so, which shaft or setting)? Where should my launch be? I have a mid tempo swing and I'm obviously trying to avoid paying $40 for a real driver fitting, so feel free to chime in. |
# 16 1/26/2015 5:41:31 AM |
Since you brought up hockey, excited for the Avs' outdoor game next year as much as I am? They bored the hell out of us with all those #'s and missed the hockey part. I like when they fight! Especially when the Goalies go at it. Good thing it's the Avs and Red Wings then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJlCdI.. BTW, it just now hit me it says hookey, not hockey. I love hockey so much I just read it with the "c" and not the "o." I saw it said hookey a long time ago when I made my first comment about Vince but they got too frigin geeky about the #'s and launch angles and I felt compelled to go in another direction. Good thing they can't tell what we are trying to do. Sorry Ethan, I thought you read it right and was just doing a play on words... Since it was the Avs, I'd let you roll with it. |
# 17 1/26/2015 10:36:04 AM |
The boys here are right, at 13-16 degrees loft, you're looking pretty good. The spin killers that come stock with the Titleist line are the Rogues. If you want to avoid that fitting, give the Rogue Silver 70 S a try and see where your numbers are at. AG is correct in that angle of attack is another thing you have to play attention to.