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Professional Champion
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Here's a question to some of the more accomplished golfers on the site. I'll paint a little picture and ask you what you'd do. You're 180 yards from a pin in the middle of a green, no real trouble in front of the green. The wind is blowing hard into you and from the right. It definately calls for the knock-down. The question is, what would you hit with the same scenario and NO wind, what would you hit in this scenario and what technique would you use to flight the ball low.

The motivation for this question is simple - I'm a high ball hitter that can struggle in the wind and I need to work on my trajectory control.
Professional Champion
# 16    3/14/2013 10:08:15 PM   
Some of it depends on the day, the elevation change to the green, etc. I'll Assume no elevation change. Also its a bit tricky because 180 is slightly between clubs for me. My 7i is 175, and 6i is 190, so I would have to work one or the other.

No wind: I hit a hard 7 Iron draw, or high fade 6 Iron (just depends how I feel).

Wind: Most are tempted to change ball position (put it back in the stance). I keep the ball position the same. I would likely hit 3/4 4 or 5 iron. Depends on how hard the wind is.

Ball position: Putting the ball back in your stance often causes people to leave it right. esp into the wind. Swinging at 3/4 or 1/2 accomplishes the lower ball flight for you, so there is no need to move the ball back. I highly suggest working on hitting 1/2 and 3/4 wedge shots regularly anyway. I rarely hit full wedges any more. If you are working on these shots doing them with your other irons becomes natural. . Work on these often on the range. Work on hitting low draws and fades with 7 irons, 5 irons, etc. Its good practice for when you get in trouble.

Professional Champion
# 17    3/15/2013 12:12:14 PM   
Personally, I would take my 4/5 hybrid, adjust my stance slightly into the wind, and take about a 3/4 swing. I've found that if I let the wind have the ball it usually bends back toward the green, but that's just me.

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