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Powerchute Swing Trainer
Professional Champion
108 Views    12 Replies    2 Likes   I like it!
I really have never been one to have swing trainers...most of the time you see them on tv and they don't work...

however, my friend bought the powerchute and was hitting his balls 20-30 yard further pretty much the first time I played with him so we went to the range...and instantly after 15-20 swings with the powerchute I was hitting the ball about 15 yards further than I was was amazing!! I ordered me one of these and if you've never tried 80.00 you will ever spend.
Professional Champion
# 1    8/7/2012 1:12:03 AM   
http://wpcart.powerchutesports.. there is the link.. =)

# 2    8/7/2012 6:32:44 AM   
Funny to me it has a picture of Jack swinging it with his signature with "18 majors" below it. I wonder how many of these were around in 1986? That's when he won his last major wasn't it?

Professional Champion
# 3    8/7/2012 9:03:33 AM   

Funny to me it has a picture of Jack swinging it with his signature with "18 majors" below it. I wonder how many of these were around in 1986? That's when he won his last major wasn't it?

Who wouldn"t put there name on a product if the price is right?

Professional Champion
# 4    8/7/2012 9:42:50 AM   

Funny to me it has a picture of Jack swinging it with his signature with "18 majors" below it. I wonder how many of these were around in 1986? That's when he won his last major wasn't it?

Who wouldn"t put there name on a product if the price is right?

I honestly believed it helped him, also I don't think Jack is going to put his name on a crappy product such as the Hammer X Driver which is purely a scam lol.. The product is one of the few good ones that work! =)

# 5    8/7/2012 9:53:23 AM   

Funny to me it has a picture of Jack swinging it with his signature with "18 majors" below it. I wonder how many of these were around in 1986? That's when he won his last major wasn't it?

Who wouldn"t put there name on a product if the price is right?

That's what I was getting at ;). I'm willing to put all my Stracka points on the point that this item had nothing to do with any of Jack's 18 major's. This thing wasn't around until recently. I'm not saying that it's not a good aid for increasing swing speed. I am sure it is as well as other items that create resistance. It was just funny to me that they stuck the "18 majors" along with it. Sure the 18 majors comes with Jack but this aid had nothing to do with Jack and his 18 majors.

Professional Champion
# 6    8/7/2012 9:57:24 AM   

Funny to me it has a picture of Jack swinging it with his signature with "18 majors" below it. I wonder how many of these were around in 1986? That's when he won his last major wasn't it?

Who wouldn"t put there name on a product if the price is right?

That's what I was getting at ;). I'm willing to put all my Stracka points on the point that this item had nothing to do with any of Jack's 18 major's. This thing wasn't around until recently. I'm not saying that it's not a good aid for increasing swing speed. I am sure it is as well as other items that create resistance. It was just funny to me that they stuck the "18 majors" along with it. Sure the 18 majors comes with Jack but this aid had nothing to do with Jack and his 18 majors.

ah hahaha thats true...I'd bet all my stracka points on that too!! hahaha =)

Professional Champion
# 7    8/7/2012 11:22:14 AM   
Resistance's the same idea as swinging two clubs at once, or weighted clubs, etc. When you go back to one club, it feels really light and easier to move faster.

Jack did mention in Golf My Way (I could have been in one of his old Golf Magazine columns) how he would warm up by swinging two clubs in a baseball grip.

MT Vincent
Professional Champion
# 8    8/7/2012 12:38:18 PM   
All it is doing is a "temporary" neurological response. It's like warming up with a "doughnut" on the end of a baseball bat. take a couple swings, it's heavy, and then you go back to your regular weighted bat and it makes it feel lighter than normal (which in return allows you to swing the bat faster). This neurological wave (response) only lasts so long.

One more thing, it does not gauge "progression", like adding more weight to the bar or doing one more repetition with a "known" resistance. In order become more proficient at any type of exercise, there must be a "known" progressive resistance (i.e., showing that you are swinging the apparatus quicker over time).

Once the temporary neurological response goes away, you will fall "flat" and go back to your old swing speed or actually get worse. You would actually have to take it with you on the course and swing it before each tee shot.

# 9    8/7/2012 12:56:41 PM   
If that is what Jack used to make him the great golfer he was then I'm all in. I'm getting 2 of them, 1 right handed and 1 left handed (even if I'm not left handed.) LOL I will keep my $$$.

Professional Champion
# 10    8/7/2012 11:16:01 PM   

All it is doing is a "temporary" neurological response. It's like warming up with a "doughnut" on the end of a baseball bat. take a couple swings, it's heavy, and then you go back to your regular weighted bat and it makes it feel lighter than normal (which in return allows you to swing the bat faster). This neurological wave (response) only lasts so long.

One more thing, it does not gauge "progression", like adding more weight to the bar or doing one more repetition with a "known" resistance. In order become more proficient at any type of exercise, there must be a "known" progressive resistance (i.e., showing that you are swinging the apparatus quicker over time).

Once the temporary neurological response goes away, you will fall "flat" and go back to your old swing speed or actually get worse. You would actually have to take it with you on the course and swing it before each tee shot.

I would have to disagree with the point you make about having to take it on the course and swing it before each tee shot... I swung it 8-10 times this morning before going to the range and even when I got to the range my swing was quicker than it was before starting use of the aid. It promotes strengthening your fast twitch muscles since its a plyometric workout and the harder you swing the club, the more resistance you are going to incur. The resistance forces your body to really create more lag than most amateurs, including myself a 5 handicap normally used...I'm pretty savy and I generally don't think swing aids can replace lessons from a swing coach...but swinging the club definitely lets you "feel" the proper lag a little bit more...

Mark Simmons
# 11    8/8/2012 1:29:07 AM   
It works. You can do the same with a head cover and a shoe lace (to hold it on).

Professional Champion
# 12    8/8/2012 5:45:17 PM   
There have been several such things over the years. Apparently the patent ran out on the early versions. Good workout I suppose, but pushing air has little to do with learning a correct golf swing. Distance is meaningless unless you can hit them straight, hit fairways and greens. Nobody wants to hit them further OUT.

So take lessons and save your money. If you walk up to a teaching pro with nearly any swing training device he will laugh. He will laugh because neither he nor any good golfer became good using that or any other device. He will have taken lessons to learn how and then hard work over weeks and months to ingrain what he learned. The process of learning a golf swing is almost identical to learning to play a musical instrument. There are no shortcuts.

Jack Nicklaus did endorse the "Inside Approach" simple swing aid, about $5 worth of PVC. You will see it on the www. It forces the golfer to bring the clubhead to the ball "down and under" instead of out and over, OTT, the common mistake beginners make by starting their downswing with shoulders instead of hips and weight shift. Some teachers will encourage students with persistent OTT to use that device.
