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Golf Swing Tips?
Professional Champion
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copy and paste that URL into your browser to watch and feel free to give me some honest feedback..

Thank you!
Professional Champion
# 1    3/9/2011 11:23:43 PM   
Looks like you are breaking your wrists a bit early on the backswing.

# 2    3/10/2011 6:31:44 AM   
Looks like only a 3/4 swing, like your not turning your shoulders enough, and your bending your left elbow. I'm just a weekend hacker, but when I did play on a regular basis some 18, 19 years ago (damn I'm getting old), my H.S. coach stressed keeping the left elbow straight!!! Some people bend it and it works for them and some people don't. It can't hurt to try it.

My question is how did both of them shots wind up????? If they were good ones then nothing is wrong with your swing!!! ;) Know what I mean?

Professional Champion
# 3    3/10/2011 8:26:18 AM   
A bit of work to do here! But one thing I like is your tempo. Don't try to swing any harder than that, at least for now.

In your swing, you don't really have any buildup of power on the backswing, and therefore you are forced to slam the club down at the ball (if you freeze-frame it, you will see that you "cast" the club quite early on the downswing).

Rather than tips, what you need are FUNDAMENTALS. It's a longer process than a band-aid fix, but I'm telling you the rewards are great. Band-aid fixes never last anyway. I've told this to a lot of people, but Ben Hogan's "Five Lessons" is the best golf instruction book you'll find. It gives you solid, specific fundamentals to work on. It's a short book and it's easy to read, with very nice illustrations as well. If you take that book chapter-by-chapter (there are only 5 chapters), and really ingrain it into your system, you WILL begin to see vast improvement.

Another important thing to do is OBSERVE. Go on Youtube and watch great golfers swing the club, and compare it to your motion. Be SPECIFIC. Watch EVERY PART of their swing and see how it is different from yours. Pay attention to everything...their feet, knees, hips, head, hands, arms, shoulders, torso, club, ball...everything. And check out how different players do things, well, differently. Find the swings you like the best, figure out what makes them tick, and see if you can incorporate that into your action.

So...Fundamentals (Five Lessons) and Observation (youtube and such). If you're doing that and practicing what you are reading/seeing, you'll improve in leaps and bounds.

Here, I'll get you started on the observation thing. I've always been a fan of the older generations' swings. There was more emphasis on great ballstriking back then (today it's all about how good you are with a wedge). So generally speaking, you're much better off copying Sam Snead than you are Camillo Villegas.

Ben Hogan himself:
Sam Snead:
Byron Nelson:
George Knudson:
Lee Trevino:
Jack Nicklaus:
Tom Weiskopf:
Nick Faldo:
Steve Elkington:

# 4    3/10/2011 8:42:03 AM   
Why I usually don't post tips on golf. Goynes as usual is dead on and makes me feel like a chump, lol.

Professional Champion
# 5    3/10/2011 12:11:27 PM   
thank you, very good tips..I agree with all of you.