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Whats your favorite golf drill?
Professional Champion
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For Drivers, Irons, Putting?

Irons and Driver- My favorite drill is to line up 4-10 balls...and with a constant movement hit them all without's all about going slow and taking your time..

Place 5 tees or balls in the ground 4 inches apart in a line.
Stand just inside the closest tee and begin swinging a p-wedge back and through with a continuous swing motion.
Begin walking forward, hitting each ball about 10-30 yards depending on how your rythym is ( consistency is key ) .

My favorite putting advice was have three types of swings, a short, medium, and long putt stroke...sort of like sights on a compound bow....and just practice those strokes..trying to get the balls to stop hopefully in a tight cluster.. ( for speed )
Professional Champion
# 1    1/6/2011 7:01:59 PM   
My favorite drill is to drink a 12 pack in the parking lot listening to some Pink Floyd while everyone else is on the range. It seems to get me in a zone.

# 2    1/6/2011 8:01:43 PM   

My favorite drill is to drink a 12 pack in the parking lot listening to some Pink Floyd while everyone else is on the range. It seems to get me in a zone.

I,Can Dig it!

# 3    1/6/2011 8:05:12 PM   
i,do like the putting advice of 3-types of swings.i,will have to try it out.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 4    1/6/2011 11:09:44 PM   
Putting: 3-6-9

fine a relatively straight, slightly uphill putt on the practice green.

mark three stations, 3 feet, 6 feet and 9 feet from the hole

put three balls at each station

start closest to the hole and try to make all nine balls in a row

each time you miss a putt, put all the balls back at their stations and start the whole thing again

if you finish the drill, crow hop into a TW fist pump because you've accomplished something. i've only done it twice, and the first time took two hours of nonstop putting.

Professional Champion
# 5    1/7/2011 9:10:56 PM   

Putting: 3-6-9

fine a relatively straight, slightly uphill putt on the practice green.

mark three stations, 3 feet, 6 feet and 9 feet from the hole

put three balls at each station

start closest to the hole and try to make all nine balls in a row

each time you miss a putt, put all the balls back at their stations and start the whole thing again

if you finish the drill, crow hop into a TW fist pump because you've accomplished something. i've only done it twice, and the first time took two hours of nonstop putting.

I like..I've seen similar drills..

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 6    1/7/2011 9:24:37 PM   

Putting: 3-6-9

fine a relatively straight, slightly uphill putt on the practice green.

mark three stations, 3 feet, 6 feet and 9 feet from the hole

put three balls at each station

start closest to the hole and try to make all nine balls in a row

each time you miss a putt, put all the balls back at their stations and start the whole thing again

if you finish the drill, crow hop into a TW fist pump because you've accomplished something. i've only done it twice, and the first time took two hours of nonstop putting.

I like..I've seen similar drills..

it's so much harder than it sounds, even if you can find a perfectly flat, straight putt (which you want to find if you can).

it doesn't help lagging much, to be frank, but if you work hard on 3-6-9, you can't help but improve your putting inside 10 feet, which means more up and downs, more two-putts, less three-putts and better scoring.

and the best part: even if you can't actually finish the 3-6-9 drill, if you work at it hard for 30 minutes or an hour or more, you improve.

for those of you who play "that's good" and don't putt out, the so-called golfers who count putts inside the leather, it won't help you. you're not a golfer, anyway, so no harm no foul.

for those of you who play USGA rules, do it. those 2-4 footers start becoming child's play.