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Rings, watches and Bracelets
Professional Champion
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Do you wear a ring, watch or bracelet when you golf? I always wear my wedding band, usually a nice golf bracelet and now I have a new ring I got on the Alaska cruise on my right hand. Taking some getting used to it. Don't think it affects my game any, but curious what others of you do.
Professional Champion
# 31    9/17/2011 6:32:43 AM   

You know I used to think that about watches too. Got out of the habit of wearing them. Then I went on my first cruise and really didn't like carrying my cellphone around, especially on deck or the balcony and was constantly asking my wife who wears a watch what time it was. Now I have a decent watch for times like that :) LOL.

Who cares what time it is when you are on a cruise? I thought everybody was like me and one of the major benefits of a cruise was getting away from being a slave to time. Boy was that an eye-opener!

Nice to know if you are gonna miss the boat is all....

# 32    9/17/2011 9:10:39 AM   
I wear a bionic bracelet. No rings no watch. Don't know how anyone wears a watch while golfing.

# 33    9/17/2011 5:14:56 PM   
My wedding ring stays on...been wearing it so long I don't feel it. Watch and the ring I wear on my right hands always come off. I just don't feel comfortable with them on while golfing and I certainly don't need to add any distractions.

Nice ring heart!

Philip Beeson
# 34    9/20/2011 4:01:00 PM   
Wedding band yes, everything else must go. Nice ring BTW.

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