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Two Comments/Update
Professional Champion
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I havent been on in weeks for various reasons. I havent yet been able to see 7 Days in Utopia but I bought the book. Easy read. If you struggle with your emotions on course, I highly recommend this book. Looking forward to the movie which should be more entertaining and less thought provoking and attitude changing than the book :)

Fitness. Well Ive been at a regular workout routine on the elliptical and light weights (8-25 lbs.) and not only do I feel much better, but I am close to my weight loss goal of 15 lbs without drastically changing my diet. I'm gaining some muscle especially in arms, chest, neck and upper back. I can absolutely say that these changes have resulted in at least 10 and maybe as much as 20 additional yards in all my clubs. Nothing else has changed in my swing or lessons. overall stamina during really hot days like today (104) has dramatically improved.

Hope this is a little bit of encouragement for anyone who may be struggling out there. Keep it up. It's worth it. Remember on those workout day, "I can do ANYTHING for 45 minutes." Cheers all. Missed being on here for all the dialogue.
# 1    8/25/2011 4:10:26 PM   
You didn't miss the movie. It comes out in September. It will be limited release in select theaters. Check the website for locations.

# 2    8/25/2011 4:52:39 PM   
Read the book a couple of times and looking forward to the movie!

Good to hear the positive results of your fitness program.

Professional Champion
# 3    8/25/2011 5:00:06 PM   
Great job Mel. I try and work out every night from 20 mins to 60 mins. Have a fairly well-equipped home gym and a steam room and sauna. Keep up the workouts. Sounds like they're helping. And welcome back.

Mark Simmons
# 4    8/25/2011 6:54:56 PM   
Good to have you back! Add the techniques of variable heart rate training and prescriptive exercise in those workouts and you'll pack even more of a punch into those 45 minutes.

# 5    8/25/2011 8:34:43 PM   
Glad you are back and happy to hear you are doing so well. I've lost about 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks and feeling some better already just eliminating a lot of the sugar and low value foods I was eating. Keep it up -see you soon.

Professional Champion
# 6    8/25/2011 10:49:00 PM   

Glad you are back and happy to hear you are doing so well. I've lost about 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks and feeling some better already just eliminating a lot of the sugar and low value foods I was eating. Keep it up -see you soon.

Good gal. Just don't loose any of your distance.

Professional Champion
# 7    8/26/2011 10:59:05 AM   

Good to have you back! Add the techniques of variable heart rate training and prescriptive exercise in those workouts and you'll pack even more of a punch into those 45 minutes.

I already do intervals twice a week. My intensity level for 4 out of 6 days is still in the fat burning range with THR's of 110-125 for 30-40 mins (depending on how much upper body weights I do. During intervals, I increase the intensity level and slightly decrease time. Those are more cardio days with THR's in the 125-140 range.

Professional Champion
# 8    8/26/2011 11:00:17 AM   

Glad you are back and happy to hear you are doing so well. I've lost about 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks and feeling some better already just eliminating a lot of the sugar and low value foods I was eating. Keep it up -see you soon.

Outstanding.! For now focus on the activity not the results. That will keep you motivated to do it.