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Man Shot Dead on Golf Course
Professional Champion
151 Views    75 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
Don't know if you all saw this. Golfer shot dead on the golf course at Denison Country Club, Denison, Texas. This was several days ago and I didn't see any mention of it in the forums.
(( ))

Long story short. Man (retired veteran) golfing with his buddy. Always takes his dog along. Dog always behaves. This day, dogs start barking and the mans dog goes off to investigate. Crazy man comes out of his house (on the course) and shoots the dog. Man, says hey, if you're gonna shoot my dog, then shoot me as well. And the crazy guy does. Sad.....
# 1    4/28/2011 7:58:02 PM   
Stories like this piss me off. I hate people like the dude that shot the dog and vet. Hope he has a long painful death.

Professional Champion
# 2    4/28/2011 8:15:21 PM   
I heard about it the other day when it happened. There was a question as to whether they we going to charge the guy that did the shooting due to the Castle Law.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 3    4/28/2011 8:49:31 PM   

And people wonder why I want to criminalize guns? LOL

All I have to say is this... it's too bad we have the 8th Amendment on the books forbidding "cruel and unusual punishment" because the way I think the killer deserves to be punished wouldn't be allowed in the USA.

Damn scum... no punishment... not even life without parole fits the crime...


but if guns were outlawed, we wouldn't have columbine and virginia tech and the giffords shooting in tucson and the fort hood shooting and the assassination attempt of reagan and the assassination of JFK and the bell tower shooting on the campus of the University of Texas and lincoln's big night out at the ford theater and ...

# 4    4/28/2011 8:54:05 PM   

And people wonder why I want to criminalize guns? LOL

All I have to say is this... it's too bad we have the 8th Amendment on the books forbidding "cruel and unusual punishment" because the way I think the killer deserves to be punished wouldn't be allowed in the USA.

Damn scum... no punishment... not even life without parole fits the crime...


Yeah I definitely agree with this. Your statement reminds me of why I wrote an essay in English recently explaining why the death penalty should be allowed in the USA.

# 5    4/28/2011 9:38:53 PM   
Becareful what you ask for~

# 6    4/28/2011 11:51:27 PM   
sucks for the guy but here we go. no, this shouldn't fall under the Castle Doctrine. this isn't what that law is in place for. i know what your saying but i can't see that holding up. someone who lives on the course to come out and shoot a dog and his owner obviously has issues but now we are gonna pretend the gun hovered in mid air and just went off. yeah, if there weren't guns that guy wouldn't have been shot and if that guy wasn't crazy he wouldn't have pulled the trigger. let's call for more gun control and then wonder how other countries end up getting weapons from our military. Iraq, Afghanistan, drug war in Mexico. alcohol, cigarettes, guns, drugs, sex, fast food, and anything else that can hurt us won't go away because they generate way too much money. there is always gonna be psychos and law or no law, there will always be guns. one last time, guns don't make you crazy, crazy makes you crazy.

Professional Champion
# 7    4/29/2011 12:57:36 AM   
All I can say is "WOW, that's sad"

Professional Champion
# 8    4/29/2011 4:30:14 AM   

And people wonder why I want to criminalize guns? LOL

All I have to say is this... it's too bad we have the 8th Amendment on the books forbidding "cruel and unusual punishment" because the way I think the killer deserves to be punished wouldn't be allowed in the USA.

Damn scum... no punishment... not even life without parole fits the crime...


but if guns were outlawed, we wouldn't have columbine and virginia tech and the giffords shooting in tucson and the fort hood shooting and the assassination attempt of reagan and the assassination of JFK and the bell tower shooting on the campus of the University of Texas and lincoln's big night out at the ford theater and ...

If robbing banks was outlawed, there wouldn't have been any banks robbed yesterday.

If counterfeit money were outlawed there wouldn't be billions of dollars in phony currancy circulating.

If driving drunk were outlawed, there wouldn't be many thousands of traffic deaths each year.

If guns had been outlawed in Washington, DC, the perennial murder capital of the world, there wouldn't have been 18 gun murders per 100,000 persons each year.

Oh wait. All these things ARE banned!. Never mind. (except DC, where the SJC finally overturned the ban so citizens could protecct themselves in 2009).

# 9    4/29/2011 7:13:48 AM   
This guy is a s$%ºg, shooting the DOG, and The VET. So this is a civilized way of handling problems???

Professional Champion
# 10    4/29/2011 7:18:16 AM   

And people wonder why I want to criminalize guns? LOL

All I have to say is this... it's too bad we have the 8th Amendment on the books forbidding "cruel and unusual punishment" because the way I think the killer deserves to be punished wouldn't be allowed in the USA.

Damn scum... no punishment... not even life without parole fits the crime...


but if guns were outlawed, we wouldn't have columbine and virginia tech and the giffords shooting in tucson and the fort hood shooting and the assassination attempt of reagan and the assassination of JFK and the bell tower shooting on the campus of the University of Texas and lincoln's big night out at the ford theater and ...

Are you being satirical or serious Robert?
Show me a gun, any gun, that hopped up off the shelf, out of the gun cabinet, from behind the door, all by itself, and killed someone.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
And as much as some people want to try to intellectually make fun of of an age old statement, it is still true..."When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns."

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 11    4/29/2011 3:51:35 PM   
I left out the Luby's massacre in Killeen.

What would our country be like without all these colorful incidents of massacre by gun?

Professional Champion
# 12    4/29/2011 7:03:32 PM   
The Castle Doct. only applies in the house, car , or work place. The way it sounds, it will go down as first degree murder because the man was not on his property and was not there was no imminant threat to his life when the shot was fired. I am a concealed weapons permit holder and a part time firearms instructer for 3 differant law offices. My girlfriend is a Corrections Officer for the state. I have have alot of knowledge on this law to keep myself and students out of trouble.

Professional Champion
# 13    4/29/2011 7:11:30 PM   

And people wonder why I want to criminalize guns? LOL

All I have to say is this... it's too bad we have the 8th Amendment on the books forbidding "cruel and unusual punishment" because the way I think the killer deserves to be punished wouldn't be allowed in the USA.

Damn scum... no punishment... not even life without parole fits the crime...


but if guns were outlawed, we wouldn't have columbine and virginia tech and the giffords shooting in tucson and the fort hood shooting and the assassination attempt of reagan and the assassination of JFK and the bell tower shooting on the campus of the University of Texas and lincoln's big night out at the ford theater and ...

Are you being satirical or serious Robert?
Show me a gun, any gun, that hopped up off the shelf, out of the gun cabinet, from behind the door, all by itself, and killed someone.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
And as much as some people want to try to intellectually make fun of of an age old statement, it is still true..."When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns."

This is one of the smartest and most correct quotes on here. I know Heartotexas is a Vet like me so he knows his way around a firearm. Look at England and how they outlawed guns. No one can own a modern firearm there and the criminals still get them through other means and the citizans and business owners have no way to defend themselves aginst the bad guys.

Professional Champion
# 14    4/30/2011 7:08:00 AM   

I left out the Luby's massacre in Killeen.

What would our country be like without all these colorful incidents of massacre by gun?

The Luby's incident is a perfect example why citizens should be allowed to carry weapons. Two people in the restaurant had guns in their cars, but were not allowed to carry them inside. Had they had that right, the maniac would have probably only managed to kill or injure a few. This massacre incidentally, prompted Texas state government to pass a "shall issue" license-to-carry to all qualified applicants. Liberals like Robert would rather take their chances that government will be there to protect him rather that having the right to protect himself.

# 15    4/30/2011 9:25:08 AM   

The Castle Doct. only applies in the house, car , or work place. The way it sounds, it will go down as first degree murder because the man was not on his property and was not there was no imminant threat to his life when the shot was fired. I am a concealed weapons permit holder and a part time firearms instructer for 3 differant law offices. My girlfriend is a Corrections Officer for the state. I have have alot of knowledge on this law to keep myself and students out of trouble.
right, if there was a threat than he could have justified it with force with the "stand your ground" law but the Castle Doctrine shouldn't apply here.

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