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Widening Use of all the Forums
Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
138 Views    13 Replies    2 Likes   I like it!
Here is a quick image which suggests a view of the homepage which would help to widen out discussions into the various forums instead of the vast majority falling into general golf discussion.
In actuality, it should be three rows, one which would be the Blogs and General Discussion or whatever.
Food for thought....
# 1    6/10/2011 2:10:24 PM   
I like that idea, just without the "cogolfer gone again?" lingering around at the bottom.

# 2    6/10/2011 2:12:00 PM   
Looks good. Now you just need a "G" rated and "R" rated column. So people know what to expect when they go into the "theater". Or maybe a box to check to confirm you're more than 12 years old.

# 3    6/10/2011 2:29:10 PM   
Looks like a perfectly sound suggestion to me. Don't know if that's enough to get it implemented. The big boys upstairs have been getting pounded in the forums lately, maybe they'll throw us a bone.

Professional Champion
# 4    6/10/2011 2:36:37 PM   
I think a waive my right to complain forum is needed, a place where F bombs can fly and not have any collateral damage.

GolfNet Administrator
# 5    6/10/2011 2:51:09 PM   
Great idea. Greenreader and I have been kicking around ideas of how to give the forums an overhaul.

One of the ideas is to remove the ability for users to post blogs... the "blog" will just become a stream of Featured Blogs like Chad's, vTour announcements, and other partner featured blogs. --- For users we'll migrate any blogs you've posted in the past into a new and improved forums section... so you're not having to bounce back and forth.

What else would you guys like to see?

# 6    6/10/2011 2:56:20 PM   

Great idea. Greenreader and I have been kicking around ideas of how to give the forums an overhaul.

One of the ideas is to remove the ability for users to post blogs... the "blog" will just become a stream of Featured Blogs like Chad's, vTour announcements, and other partner featured blogs. --- For users we'll migrate any blogs you've posted in the past into a new and improved forums section... so you're not having to bounce back and forth.

What else would you guys like to see?

Live Chat. We can see who's online by clicking on GOLFERS, but can't chat so what's the point of knowing who's online?

Course review SECTION, not searching for a course and making a comment that nobody knows is there.

Course deals for the Philly area (and I'm sure others).

Marc Bickham
Professional Champion
# 7    6/10/2011 3:23:07 PM   

Great idea. Greenreader and I have been kicking around ideas of how to give the forums an overhaul.

One of the ideas is to remove the ability for users to post blogs... the "blog" will just become a stream of Featured Blogs like Chad's, vTour announcements, and other partner featured blogs. --- For users we'll migrate any blogs you've posted in the past into a new and improved forums section... so you're not having to bounce back and forth.

What else would you guys like to see?

Absolutely! All of those ideas are great!

Live Chat. We can see who's online by clicking on GOLFERS, but can't chat so what's the point of knowing who's online?

Course review SECTION, not searching for a course and making a comment that nobody knows is there.

Course deals for the Philly area (and I'm sure others).

Professional Champion
# 8    6/10/2011 3:50:02 PM   

Great idea. Greenreader and I have been kicking around ideas of how to give the forums an overhaul.

One of the ideas is to remove the ability for users to post blogs... the "blog" will just become a stream of Featured Blogs like Chad's, vTour announcements, and other partner featured blogs. --- For users we'll migrate any blogs you've posted in the past into a new and improved forums section... so you're not having to bounce back and forth.

What else would you guys like to see?

Absolutely! All of those ideas are great!

Live Chat. We can see who's online by clicking on GOLFERS, but can't chat so what's the point of knowing who's online?

Course review SECTION, not searching for a course and making a comment that nobody knows is there.

Course deals for the Philly area (and I'm sure others).

Glad someone else feels this way...Course review SECTION, not searching for a course and making a comment that nobody knows is there.

I have been dutifully posting comments on the courses I play and dating them so people know when the comment was made. But you have to know what courses I play to look up comments, it's a big secret to protect the golf course owners who have crappy courses from complaining to stracka I guess. :)

# 9    6/10/2011 5:08:58 PM   

One of the ideas is to remove the ability for users to post blogs... the "blog" will just become a stream of Featured Blogs like Chad's, vTour

Not sure I'm in favor of eliminating blogs. I'd like a little clarification on this. Blogs have unique features not available in forums. Are you getting rid of blogs entirely or just removing them from the front page feed. I am still able to embed links in a blog even though as a free member I can no longer do this in a forum. I can tag blogs to clubs I belong to in cases where the information may be pertinent only to members in my area. I have other formatting options available to me in blogs which are not available in forums.

I hope this isn't etched in stone just yet.

# 10    6/10/2011 5:11:55 PM   
I think a waive my right to complain forum is needed, a place where F bombs can fly and not have any collateral damage.

See that might work if you paid extra for it. Kind of a "Super Platinum" member option. But you would need age restrictions on it which would make it unattractive to "some"...

Professional Champion
# 11    6/10/2011 5:28:12 PM   
I think that would work well

Professional Champion
# 12    6/14/2011 6:41:17 PM   
So Chase, what's the followup on what new things/changes we might expect to see in the near future?

# 13    6/14/2011 9:01:16 PM   

So Chase, what's the followup on what new things/changes we might expect to see in the near future?

Did anyone else hear that cricket chirping? LOL :)