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Number 1 Reason
Professional Champion
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I am sure most Stracka members could answer, "all of the above" to the question I am about to ask, but that defeats the purpose of the question.

What is the number 1 reason you play golf?

a. Recreation. To get away from the pressures of life and have fun.
b. Competition. I love to win and I love competition.
c. Gambling. I love to bet on just about anything and golf is no exception.
d. Personal Challenge. Looking for self improvement on a lot of levels.
e. Social Interaction. It's more about being around people and communicating than it is about the sport.
f. Business. Gives me an opportunity to expand business/job opportunities and contact development.
g. Exercise and fitness. I golf to improve and/or maintain my physical fitness levels. The scores/skills are of secondary importance.
H. Professional Occupation. Aspire to be or continue in.

Feel free to add other, single categories as your answer, so long as it is the Primary or Number 1 reason you play golf.
# 1    5/14/2011 7:38:11 AM   
I'm going with H. I want to be able to do this for a living some day. I'm listening to golf theme music which is The Masters Dave Loggins theme, US Open theme song by Yanni, and the Ryder Cup theme song. Those always motivate me and it does so because I want to play in and win those tournaments and more some day.

Professional Champion
# 2    5/14/2011 7:43:05 AM   
I love the game , great exercise , and it challenges my mind .It also re-leaves alot stress for me , lets me clear my mind from business and work related pressure . Plus i meet really great people on the golf course . For the most part !

# 3    5/14/2011 8:09:33 AM   
In order: D, A, G, E too bad that didn't spell anything. I also want to throw in Ethan's H somewhere in the middle but he aspires to be on tour, I, on the other hand, will settle for Class A pro. Looking into the steps in the PGA PGM program and becoming an apperentice but I need game first.

Professional Champion
# 4    5/14/2011 8:53:42 AM   

I'm going with H. I want to be able to do this for a living some day. I'm listening to golf theme music which is The Masters Dave Loggins theme, US Open theme song by Yanni, and the Ryder Cup theme song. Those always motivate me and it does so because I want to play in and win those tournaments and more some day.

So is that a new category, say H. Professional Occupation? or does B. Competition fit more closely as your #1?

# 5    5/14/2011 8:58:54 AM   
None of the above !

The top reason why I play golf, I guess it's because the built in hunter's instinct in the human DNA.

And to be able to get away from the daily routine for 4-5 hours stretch of time.

Professional Champion
# 6    5/14/2011 9:05:23 AM   

None of the above !

The top reason why I play golf, I guess it's because the built in hunter's instinct in the human DNA.

And to be able to get away from the daily routine for 4-5 hours stretch of time.

Hmm. Would that be Kill or Be Killed Natural Instinct? :) LOL.

# 7    5/14/2011 9:21:09 AM   
B then A.

Professional Champion
# 8    5/14/2011 11:21:49 AM   
Started out as G after I blew my knee out and had to leave the Army. Then I started getting good at the game and started going to D. Now I am leaning more towards The B,Eand H side of the game. I recently got offered a rep. job for a really big driver company and all three would help me make more money and be arount the game that I have become addicted to over the past 4 years.

Professional Champion
# 9    5/14/2011 2:35:42 PM   
A and D. Golf is by far the hardest sport i've played. Even after a lifetime the game is unmasterable, there may be moments where you conquer the game but those are often fleeting. but the best part is chasing those moments.

# 10    5/14/2011 3:19:37 PM   

I'm going with H. I want to be able to do this for a living some day. I'm listening to golf theme music which is The Masters Dave Loggins theme, US Open theme song by Yanni, and the Ryder Cup theme song. Those always motivate me and it does so because I want to play in and win those tournaments and more some day.

So is that a new category, say H. Professional Occupation? or does B. Competition fit more closely as your #1?

Can't say B because I haven't had the experience of getting in the thick of things of winning a golf tournament. When I have the chance to break a 90, 100, and hopefully soon 80, that's when I get my competition. I love that feeling of being right there and possibly being able to do something huge. I'm guessing it's the same in a tourney but can't confirm it.

# 11    5/14/2011 4:22:02 PM   
D would be my first choice. I'm not all that into playing team sports, I like the personal challenge.

F, for business is my second choice. Having a golf related website , makes playing golf a business/entertainment expense. I'm always playing with my customers or potential customers.

G, for the exercise. I walk whenever possible. I also find that my best rounds are when I don't have to plop myself into a cart to take me to my ball. If I play a new course I usually will take a cart until I know the lay of the land for the next round. There's a course near me that literally has a 1/2 mile between the 9th and clubhouse as well as the 18th to the clubhouse. You just can't walk it and be expected to keep the pace of play.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 12    5/14/2011 4:40:14 PM   

It's really a mix of a, d, e and g with g being the most important. Now that my baseball league has dried up and blown away, golf is about the only thing that gets me off the couch, and I try to walk when I can.

But the exercise is not really what gets me out. It's the chance to bust 80, hit greens, make putts, hit fairways, execute shots ... anything that counts as good golf. Plus, to do it all without throwing clubs, cursing the golf gods and walking off the course when something goes wrong.

Professional Champion
# 13    5/14/2011 5:07:58 PM   
I have to say I'm surprised at the responses so far. Maybe more will weigh in. Based upon what I see in the forums I would have expected more B's and C's. Again, as the main, primary reason.

# 14    5/14/2011 5:42:48 PM   

I have to say I'm surprised at the responses so far. Maybe more will weigh in. Based upon what I see in the forums I would have expected more B's and C's. Again, as the main, primary reason.

I don't typically gamble and I do enjoy the competition between a few ppl and can talk a lot a smack. BUT... I don't have the game to put my money (or lack there of) where my mouth is so until then I'll just be nice and enjoy the game

Marc Bickham
Professional Champion
# 15    5/14/2011 6:20:51 PM   
I guess I would have to say that I play because it is fun in the broadest sense, which would fall under A. Now to get more specific, I do tend to challenge myself so D would be another reason. I like to try to accomplish personal challenges so a goal of mine is to somehow get good enough to pass the PGA certification test just like I am certified by the United States Tennis Association as a professional tennis player. Am I close to the PGA goal, absolutely not. However that does not stop me from trying to get better. The other goal is to consistently break 80 but I'm sure we all have that goal.

Now hearto, you should add the biggest reason for me as to why I play golf and one area where I am sure people can relate. Mental relaxation and stress relief. Walking a course and simply enjoying the sunshine being outsides is liberating and gives me a sense of serenity. Even when I am playing bad, sometimes just being on the course brings me peace from many hectic of a day or week.

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