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Like Button
Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
124 Views    6 Replies    5 Likes   I like it!
I've been "gone" from Stracka for several months and am coming back more often now. I notice some changes in the site but others that I thought were super ideas and well supported by the user community are, alas, not here. I see a handy button to Report Abuse on every post in the forums...but seriously how hard is it really to put a button to let us "Like" a posting? Some really good stuff in the forums, and it would be handy to see from the number of "likes" on a particular post how many folks agree. Sure would cut to the chase on reading dozens of quote pastes etc. comments saying, yep, good idea/tip etc.

Oh well....:)
# 1    2/27/2013 1:34:50 PM   
yep, good idea

Professional Champion
# 2    2/27/2013 3:10:33 PM   
There is a "like" button. I just liked your post.


# 3    2/27/2013 3:17:55 PM   
I don't use the like button any more. Or any other part of the site where no points are given out. I can see why the dislike button was removed. But if there was a dislike button on many of the changes that were made I hit the button every day. This site gets about 1/3 the use now. Nice to see you back heartotexas. Hope to see you more often.

Professional Champion
# 4    2/27/2013 3:24:55 PM   

There is a "like" button. I just liked your post.


He means on every post.

# 5    2/27/2013 7:06:23 PM   
Yes,I,dig the yes button.

Mark Simmons
# 6    2/27/2013 8:10:54 PM   
There is a "like" button. I just liked your post.


He means on every post.

Right, the button is only there for the post that starts a topic, not any of the ones that follow.