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This question is mainly for other club chairmen--are you counting the v-tour as a round played with another club member? I know we count it as a tournament but wondered about the other?
Professional Champion
# 1    1/14/2013 1:24:13 PM   
Yes. Nothing says that the vTour cannot count as a round with a member provided that you actually played with a member. They are two seperate issues.

Professional Champion
# 2    1/14/2013 2:03:14 PM   
I count them as a round played with a club member if they payed with a club member. If they played on their own, or with a member of another club, then no.

# 3    1/15/2013 9:26:40 AM   

Yes. Nothing says that the vTour cannot count as a round with a member provided that you actually played with a member. They are two seperate issues.

I guess what I meant was if we are counting it as a tournament played against other members of the club when they don't physically play against each other then why would it not count as a round played with another member even though it was a Virtual round? Seems to me there is a contradiction there that we are using it for one requirement but not the other??

# 4    1/15/2013 9:58:49 AM   

Yes. Nothing says that the vTour cannot count as a round with a member provided that you actually played with a member. They are two seperate issues.

I guess what I meant was if we are counting it as a tournament played against other members of the club when they don't physically play against each other then why would it not count as a round played with another member even though it was a Virtual round? Seems to me there is a contradiction there that we are using it for one requirement but not the other??

This issue is specifically addressed in the handicap manual somewhere. If two members play the same course on the same day, but not in the same group, it does NOT count as a round played with a member. That would pretty much rule out a V-Tour event in which members might play the same course on different days. It seems pretty straight forward to me, playing with another club member means just exactly what it sounds like it means.

# 5    1/15/2013 10:14:09 AM   
I do count it as long as they played with another club member AND they attest to each other's scorecard (which they would have to do anyway as a requirement of the vTour). Otherwise, it only counts as a tourney.

Professional Champion
# 6    1/15/2013 10:47:59 AM   

Yes. Nothing says that the vTour cannot count as a round with a member provided that you actually played with a member. They are two seperate issues.

I guess what I meant was if we are counting it as a tournament played against other members of the club when they don't physically play against each other then why would it not count as a round played with another member even though it was a Virtual round? Seems to me there is a contradiction there that we are using it for one requirement but not the other??

Playing in a vTour is one issue ... the other issue is playing with a member. If you played a vTour and a member of your club is in your same foursome, then you played with a member during a vTour round. Pretty straightforward.