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Course Reviews...Actually Comments
Professional Champion
90 Views    8 Replies    2 Likes   I like it!
Admins. Do comments on courses get a notification flag so we know when someone has posted something? Doesn't appear to.

Everyone else. I hope you are taking the opportunity to give some comments on the courses you play regularly. I'm trying to be fair in mine so far and oriented toward the stracka golfing public. I date my posts so that if you read one you will know when those comments were made. I only post within a day or two of when I play the course.
# 1    3/19/2011 5:25:52 PM   
Already put comments down on all the courses I've played. A notification for comments would be nice, but I doubt many people will post on my courses so it could be obsolete for me and other members. (I.E Montana and Alaska users)

Professional Champion
# 2    3/19/2011 6:19:28 PM   
Already put comments down on all the courses I've played. A notification for comments would be nice, but I doubt many people will post on my courses so it could be obsolete for me and other members. (I.E Montana and Alaska users)

Actually I'd like to see your posts as I have a daughter that lives in Co Sprgs. I've played only a couple of courses there, so if we head up to see them I'd like to know what might be playable in the area (even Denver). We love Colorado.

I'd like to play LaVeta golf course sometime. I practically grew up in the summers in Cuchara and have driven by the course several times.

# 3    3/19/2011 6:50:01 PM   

Already put comments down on all the courses I've played. A notification for comments would be nice, but I doubt many people will post on my courses so it could be obsolete for me and other members. (I.E Montana and Alaska users)

Actually I'd like to see your posts as I have a daughter that lives in Co Sprgs. I've played only a couple of courses there, so if we head up to see them I'd like to know what might be playable in the area (even Denver). We love Colorado.

I'd like to play LaVeta golf course sometime. I practically grew up in the summers in Cuchara and have driven by the course several times.

Not sure where LaVeta is. Only course I played outside the Denver Metro area is Glenwood Springs Golf Club out northwest.

GolfNet Administrator
# 4    3/19/2011 7:20:15 PM   
In the very first version of this site we had a place for reviews on every course page... we took at down after a few angry phone calls from golf course owners.

It's designed now to be more of a forum/community for each course.. rather than a review. A place for you to chat with other golfers that play that course, arrange rounds, etc.

# 5    3/19/2011 9:07:34 PM   

In the very first version of this site we had a place for reviews on every course page... we took at down after a few angry phone calls from golf course owners.

Well that's kinda sad. If "I" ran a course and found that I was getting bad reviews, that would tell me I have some work to do. The truth hurts, deal with it. You wouldn't get many bad reviews if you're doing what your supposed to do on your course. Take a little pride in what you have and do something with it rather than stealing people's money. EVERY course gets bad reviews, but if their doing their job then the good reviews FAR outweigh the bad. Honestly, this is one of very few sites I know of that gives a list of all courses, but doesn't have a standard rating system for people to use that have played the course.

You say that you got a "few" angry phone calls. Care to name the courses? I'd bet that the general consensus of people that have played those courses would be that they ARE bad courses.

Professional Champion
# 6    3/20/2011 8:14:31 AM   

In the very first version of this site we had a place for reviews on every course page... we took at down after a few angry phone calls from golf course owners.

Well that's kinda sad. If "I" ran a course and found that I was getting bad reviews, that would tell me I have some work to do. The truth hurts, deal with it. You wouldn't get many bad reviews if you're doing what your supposed to do on your course. Take a little pride in what you have and do something with it rather than stealing people's money. EVERY course gets bad reviews, but if their doing their job then the good reviews FAR outweigh the bad. Honestly, this is one of very few sites I know of that gives a list of all courses, but doesn't have a standard rating system for people to use that have played the course.

You say that you got a "few" angry phone calls. Care to name the courses? I'd bet that the general consensus of people that have played those courses would be that they ARE bad courses.

Concur. And I would bet that an overwhelming number of paying Stracka golfers would agree. As my grandad used to say, "If you're doing nothing, no one will complain. If you're doing something, there is always someone who will complain."

Professional Champion
# 7    3/20/2011 8:15:39 AM   

Already put comments down on all the courses I've played. A notification for comments would be nice, but I doubt many people will post on my courses so it could be obsolete for me and other members. (I.E Montana and Alaska users)

Actually I'd like to see your posts as I have a daughter that lives in Co Sprgs. I've played only a couple of courses there, so if we head up to see them I'd like to know what might be playable in the area (even Denver). We love Colorado.

I'd like to play LaVeta golf course sometime. I practically grew up in the summers in Cuchara and have driven by the course several times.

Not sure where LaVeta is. Only course I played outside the Denver Metro area is Glenwood Springs Golf Club out northwest.

South on I25 to Walsenburg, then West to LaVeta.

Marc Bickham
Professional Champion
# 8    5/14/2011 6:38:32 PM   

In the very first version of this site we had a place for reviews on every course page... we took at down after a few angry phone calls from golf course owners.

Well that's kinda sad. If "I" ran a course and found that I was getting bad reviews, that would tell me I have some work to do. The truth hurts, deal with it. You wouldn't get many bad reviews if you're doing what your supposed to do on your course. Take a little pride in what you have and do something with it rather than stealing people's money. EVERY course gets bad reviews, but if their doing their job then the good reviews FAR outweigh the bad. Honestly, this is one of very few sites I know of that gives a list of all courses, but doesn't have a standard rating system for people to use that have played the course.

You say that you got a "few" angry phone calls. Care to name the courses? I'd bet that the general consensus of people that have played those courses would be that they ARE bad courses.

Thats the truth!