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Breaking 70
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I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!

Funny I went out last Sunday and shot an 83, and that was WITH 10 BOGEYS IN A ROW. Those 10 bogeys were all a result of burning the edge of the cup for par's. After the round I got to thinking and drinking and said to myself "Damn if 1/2 of those putt's would of dropped I would of had an easy 78". Told myself "tomorrow, I am going straight to the putting green. I just need to do the same thing but drop a few of them putt's" Labor Day rolled around and I went straight to the putting green for a good 45 minutes before my round. I wound up shooting a 73 and that was with 1 double bogey and 3 bogey's. Of course 4 birds helped.

This weekend I am going on 69 watch. I will do away with the double bogey and wipe out those bogey's and BINGO!

I think I can! I think I can! I think I can!
Professional Champion
# 16    9/9/2013 8:32:34 AM   
When your expectations far exceed your skill level be prepared for disappointment. Luck will only take you so far. You must develop proper routines and practice with a purpose in order to prepare yourself for the good shots. Currently I am playing very consistently and my scoring shows the difference. It all stems from good course management and proper mental game. Yes skill does play it's part however when I maintain good focus, one shot at a time the outcome is much better. My expectation is for each shot not for the entire round. I am thinking about the shot on hand not my total score. I put the bad ones behind me and move on.

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