Community  /  Forums  /  Looking for a good course to play in Cleveland/Akron area
Looking for a good course to play in Cleveland/Akron area
Posted in: USA MidWest
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On May 4, 2013, I plan on being in the Cleveland/Akron area to play a round of golf.

I am looking for a good course to play in that area and am thinking about playing a course called Boulder Creek in Streetsboro.

Any other good courses in that area that all of you recommend?
jschauer Schauer
Professional Champion
# 1    3/21/2013 12:24:22 PM   
Boulder creek is awesome! they have an island green par 3 that's fun to play! Check out Copper Top that's another nice course.

i work in cleveland and play those courses alot, other then that there's only the generic metroparks courses that are nice still but not anything special.