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Golf at Barton Creek
Professional Champion
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I'm considering taking a day trip to Barton Creek with my Fiancee and considering two options. There's a deal on Travelzoo for $189 including two $50 credits toward golf, one $25 credit toward golf rental (won't use), and two $50 credits toward a spa. There's also a deal on Idealgolfer for $195 including 2 rounds of golf and no spa. I'm trying to figure out whether it's better to get the golf and just pay regular price for the Spa or just pay the amount over $50 on each golf round.

I couldn't find the regular golf rates on Barton Creek's website and wondered if anyone here knew
# 1    6/8/2012 5:47:17 PM   
most if not all resorts like that you have to call and ask about golf rates if you are staying there but not using a golf package.