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Enough Already
Posted in: Website Suggestions
220 Views    4 Replies    8 Likes   I like it!
Come on guys seriously - enough is enough - if you can't get along and you don't like it here then get off the site. There are all these people with no activity, no scores, no friends and they constantly post negative remarks just to stir things up (Admins see recent posts on pick 4 putting down Mongo - 3 of those people have never done anything on this site but complain). There are people that are active on here that post just simply to get a rile out of someone else. This site has gone from a great golf forum for like minded people to a kindergarten class. I've made great friends here and found most of them are no longer active because I'm sure like me they are sick of it. The Admins really shouldn't need to have a full time "hall monitor" - can't we just be adults and get back to what this site is about. If you don't like jokes, don't read them, if you don't like W/D's posted - ignore it, if people say something you don't agree with by all means express your opinion but do it in an adult mature manner - why do you need to put others down in order to get your point across? It's all just getting ridiculous. Stop the bullying!
# 1    8/13/2011 6:50:35 PM   
Couldn't agree more Susan. This is exactly why I've made the decision to shut up on the Pick 4 page and stay out of that nonsense. I reported all the guys to Chad who were giving that new guy Joe crap, and whoever it was that called Lindsey "pathetic". it does go against Stracka's rule of flaming on here, so maybe something will be done.

# 2    8/13/2011 11:34:38 PM   
right on!
I've ignored alot of what I read. As small correction of a comment and bam attacked. Then post a simple comment and bam attacked again; I'll keep my mouth shut to a point but something just erked my nerves and felt that something needed to be said.
Not gonna quit Stracka cause I like the site, jokes, forums, blogs, and mostly importantly the people/friends that I have made. I know we rag on each other as good clean fun between friends, but its gotta out of hand on the I'm done there.

# 3    8/14/2011 9:35:39 AM   
I know we rag on each other as good clean fun between friends,
I agree and thats cool, you can def tell the difference in playful and malicious. Its a core group that do nothing on this site but cause conflict. just dont get it!

# 4    8/14/2011 3:33:22 PM   
I agree...I enjoy the site but the attacks are bull. Enough is doesn't have to use bad language to make unacceptable posts. Nothing wrong with debating a topic but doing so in such a way that it involves attacking the people is simply childish. Now throw your club, stomp your feet, hold your breath but move on!