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GolfQ Tournaments
Posted in: Website Suggestions
202 Views    2 Replies    8 Likes   I like it!
Just curious who chooses the dates for these? I'd love to participate in the local ones (like Indian Creek coming up) but they are always during the week and in the morning so can't do it. If the dates are chosen by the course I understand but if GolfQ is picking them is there any reason you don't do weekends where more people can participate? Thanks!
Professional Champion
# 1    10/10/2011 10:00:33 PM   
My sentiments exactly.

Professional Champion
# 2    10/10/2011 10:11:50 PM   
The is one 2-man scramble tournament that will be coming up this weekend. This is the only official GolfQ tournament that I have seen on a weekend. I suspect most of these are promoted by the golf course to bring in some weekday revenue.