Community  /  Forums  /  Could Not Post Under "Club Feed" to Fort Worth #975
Could Not Post Under "Club Feed" to Fort Worth #975
Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
163 Views    6 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
Topic says it all. Cannot post to "Club Feed" from Fort Worth #975. I am Co-Chairman. Please Help!! Thanks.
GolfNet Staff
# 1    2/21/2020 5:10:34 PM   
I alerted the programmer about this.
I have a separate club chair account and I was able to post to my club, so I'm thinking this is just an isolated case.
--Jim, Support Team

GolfNet Staff
# 2    2/21/2020 5:10:45 PM   
This post has been removed.

GolfNet Staff
# 3    2/21/2020 5:10:49 PM   
This post has been removed.

GolfNet Staff
# 4    2/21/2020 5:31:33 PM   
I alerted the programmer about this.
I have a separate club chair account and I was able to post to my club, so I'm thinking this is just an isolated case.
--Jim, Support Team
This issue is fixed and you can post to your club.
Sorry for the snag!
Have a good weekend.

Professional Champion
# 5    2/22/2020 9:36:05 AM   
I alerted the programmer about this.
I have a separate club chair account and I was able to post to my club, so I'm thinking this is just an isolated case.
--Jim, Support Team
This issue is fixed and you can post to your club.
Sorry for the snag!
Have a good weekend.
Thank you sir..

Professional Champion
# 6    2/22/2020 9:36:19 AM   
I alerted the programmer about this.
I have a separate club chair account and I was able to post to my club, so I'm thinking this is just an isolated case.
--Jim, Support Team
This issue is fixed and you can post to your club.
Sorry for the snag!
Have a good weekend.
Thank you sir..