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Professional Champion
362 Views    2 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
Three Things Come To Mind To Fill The Void:
1. The chick on Aquaman looks pretty hot.
2. Vince convinced me Modelo beer is well worth it. Even though I paid nothing.
3. I could take Ian Poulter in three holes.

Merry Christmas everyone.. Hope to see you all soon. I'm sure the quippy remarks will rain down below..
Sia Impression
# 1    12/19/2018 5:42:39 PM   
Don't quite know if I'm up to "clever quips". Just hanging on by my fingernails for the Solstice... Don't know why but I got the 'seasonal' bad this year, must be like allergies. Don't get those every year but it hits hard when it does.

Till then Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Live long and Prosper!!

Namaste bitches..

Professional Champion
# 2    12/19/2018 5:48:33 PM   
Not bad.. not bad..