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Golf Magazine vs Golf Digest
Professional Champion
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Which magazine do you read and why??
# 1    6/12/2019 10:52:37 AM   
Golf, I think. It's a free subscription with the ticket to the golf show.

# 2    6/13/2019 9:15:45 AM   
Of the two I pick Golf as I let my Golf Digest subscription lapse since they went to their "new modern" format. Even though Golfweek has gone to a monthly format, for me it is still the best out there as in addition to the print you get the online daily version.

# 3    6/27/2019 11:41:38 AM   
I read GOLF and Golf Digest but my "go to" read is The Golfer's Journal... It's quarterly so they seem to be giving a fair bit of thought to content. The writing is exceptionally strong. The photography is world class. Editorial emphases include architecture, history, and personal interest. I read it cover to cover. I should also mention that lessons, fixes, and advertising are deemphasized. More than a half century into the game with enough swing thoughts running through my head, if I need a lesson or a fix, I'll go see the pro. If I find myself jonesing on some advertising copy, I already read the other two mags and I get dozens of emails and snail mails already.