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Cant post to my Golf Club
Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
160 Views    5 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
Tried posting to my golf club, which I am chairperson.. to no!!
GolfNet Staff
# 1    2/11/2020 9:16:56 AM   
I just tested posting a score to your account to Pecan Plantation - all seems to work fine. Can you provide me with a few more details as to what you are seeing?

Professional Champion
# 2    2/18/2020 4:29:23 PM   
I just tested posting a score to your account to Pecan Plantation - all seems to work fine. Can you provide me with a few more details as to what you are seeing?
No my golf club on this website. Fort Worth Area #975

# 3    2/18/2020 10:25:56 PM   
I just tested posting a score to your account to Pecan Plantation - all seems to work fine. Can you provide me with a few more details as to what you are seeing?
No my golf club on this website. Fort Worth Area #975
The software won't allow a dude to post a round played from the ladies tee box.

Professional Champion
# 4    2/19/2020 10:47:57 AM   
Again, my golf club Fort Worth #975

GolfNet Staff
# 5    2/21/2020 5:20:57 PM   
Again, my golf club Fort Worth #975
Sorry I misunderstood - I presumed you were talking about score posting!
We are looking at it - I replied to the new thread.