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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Professional Champion
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Phil and Bones are splitting up. Your thoughts on why??
Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 1    6/20/2017 7:32:54 PM   
My guess is that Phil is a stubborn doo-doo head.

# 2    6/20/2017 7:59:33 PM   
Lydia made him a better offer? Phil is about to take a step back and play even less?

# 3    6/20/2017 8:07:53 PM   
There's a conspiracy theory on Twitter that Mickelson recommended he leave and go to someplace more useful, that being the bag of Jon Rahm. I don't know who Rahm's caddy is and if there's any substance to back this up, but an interesting thought considering the Arizona State connection and Phil's new looper Tim, being Rahm's agent.

Professional Champion
# 4    6/20/2017 9:00:15 PM   

There's a conspiracy theory on Twitter that Mickelson recommended he leave and go to someplace more useful, that being the bag of Jon Rahm. I don't know who Rahm's caddy is and if there's any substance to back this up, but an interesting thought considering the Arizona State connection and Phil's new looper Tim, being Rahm's agent.

That makes a lot of sense since Phil is mentoring Rahm (you noted the ASU connection, but I think there is more to it than that) and the kid is a bit volatile, let's say, borderline throwing clubs at the US Open. Bones could really help him settle down, and it's quite likely that Phil will now have a less full schedule, ala Stricker...

# 5    6/21/2017 6:11:00 AM   
All good things come to an end. After several months of going back and forth about it, I have decided to end my obsession with Selena Gomez. You will be reading about the Press Release soon. At least I still have my unhealthy obsession with Carrie Underwood.

Times change, and people move on.

Professional Champion
# 6    6/21/2017 10:20:57 AM   

All good things come to an end. After several months of going back and forth about it, I have decided to end my obsession with Selena Gomez. You will be reading about the Press Release soon. At least I still have my unhealthy obsession with Carrie Underwood.

Times change, and people move on.

Very brave of you, Jay.

# 7    6/21/2017 10:50:29 AM   
It will be interesting who Phil decides to choose going forward. Timing not all that questionable with large lull between majors. Bones will certainly do well somewhere, whether it be on another players bag or in the broadcast booth. Would be great to hear his insights on TV coverage as to what other golfers/caddies might be considering during rounds.

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 8    6/21/2017 12:10:07 PM   
When Bones told Phil that Nance was supposed to be out of town, and wasn't, that sent Phil over the top.