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Add Tournament Column on Scores Listing Report
Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
172 Views    2 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
Can a column be added to the Scores Listing Report that indicates whether the score was from a tournament round. The column could go next to the PWM column in the report.
Professional Champion
# 1    12/21/2015 12:10:59 AM   
That information is already on the player's score profile. I wouldn't look for duplication of effort. USHandicap already does most of the work that a chairman should be doing ... they can't do everything. We as chairman have to take some responsibility and do some of the work.

Professional Champion
# 2    12/21/2015 7:43:50 AM   

That information is already on the player's score profile. I wouldn't look for duplication of effort. USHandicap already does most of the work that a chairman should be doing ... they can't do everything. We as chairman have to take some responsibility and do some of the work.

I disagree. It does not take that much effort to add one additional column to the score listing that is already an attribute of the scoring record. I want to be able to run the report and export the results so that I can create custom reports on the club metrics. I am already doing more than what is required of a handicap chairman. I am simply requesting a small enhancement to perform the job more efficiently.