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Member Administration
Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
181 Views    2 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
Recommend a method of conducting a bulk update on member status changes. There is a significant performance problem with updating several accounts at once from the member listing screen. The single update method is very inefficient and time consuming for club admins.
Professional Champion
# 1    12/7/2015 8:42:56 AM   
What is it you are trying to do? As my club's chairman, I can send a message to the entire club in one writing. If you're talking about changing their status, I think the only way is one at a time.

Professional Champion
# 2    12/7/2015 6:44:40 PM   

What is it you are trying to do? As my club's chairman, I can send a message to the entire club in one writing. If you're talking about changing their status, I think the only way is one at a time.

I am updating the status for multiple members at a time. Single member administration is not necessarily a problem other than the process is very slow and you have to refresh the member list calculations every time there is an update.