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Posted in: Website Suggestions
Professional Champion
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This is more of a question than a suggestion, but how do I post blogs? I've blogged elsewhere, but under the "blogs" heading, even "my blogs", I don't see a place to post a new blog. Thanks in advance for the help.
# 16    3/18/2013 8:08:58 PM   

Didn't mean to offend. Trust me, if I don't think something is right, I'm willing to complain. I've actually been chastised for complaining on here. And as I indicated, I was asked to go elsewhere if I did't like the new look of the site. Remember that?

I was just pointing out the obvious, that we do always have an option.

Funny, I was going to say the same thing. I also have been told to go elsewhere. Why didn't I listen? I don't know, I haven't found anything better I guess, and I have met some good people on here.

# 17    3/18/2013 8:16:05 PM   

Didn't mean to offend. Trust me, if I don't think something is right, I'm willing to complain. I've actually been chastised for complaining on here. And as I indicated, I was asked to go elsewhere if I did't like the new look of the site. Remember that?

I was just pointing out the obvious, that we do always have an option.

Funny, I was going to say the same thing. I also have been told to go elsewhere. Why didn't I listen? I don't know, I haven't found anything better I guess, and I have met some good people on here.

Ditto! I look back on some of the things I said on here 2-4 years ago and can't blame people for wanting me off the site. I had the middle schooler attitude and arrogance and I'm still amazed people were able to put up with me. I didn't leave because there is nothing better than this site, and I've met a lot of awfully cool people.

Mark Simmons
# 18    3/18/2013 10:07:37 PM   
Didn't mean to offend. Trust me, if I don't think something is right, I'm willing to complain. I've actually been chastised for complaining on here. And as I indicated, I was asked to go elsewhere if I did't like the new look of the site. Remember that?

I was just pointing out the obvious, that we do always have an option.

Funny, I was going to say the same thing. I also have been told to go elsewhere. Why didn't I listen? I don't know, I haven't found anything better I guess, and I have met some good people on here.

There was another forum covering Golden State Warriors basketball where the service provider was let's just say "falling down on the job" constantly. We all put up with it for a couple of years simply because we loved the makeup of the group. Then it occurred to us. We didn't have to meet on THAT site. We found a site that would let us set up a forum there, notified everybody and moved on over.

The moral of the story is our options are mostly limited only by us.

Professional Champion
# 19    3/19/2013 9:27:50 AM   

Or you could go elsewhere. You are completely free to choose where to invest your time. Don't think I'm not on your side. It's just that "freedom comes with a price.

It's not so much that we CAN'T's the fact that we USED TO be able to blog if we wished. For no real reason, they took that ability away, and replaced it with "Stracka blogs" which are just advertisements for goofy golf products masquerading as "blogs." I guess if we were all blogging, it would crowd out those ads.

It's a drag. Back when I first joined, I put up a lot of instructional blogs that were pretty popular. They were much too long to be posted as forum topics, plus they wouldn't get shoved down to page 3 like most forum posts do after a few days.

# 20    3/19/2013 9:55:46 AM   

Or you could go elsewhere. You are completely free to choose where to invest your time. Don't think I'm not on your side. It's just that "freedom comes with a price.

It's not so much that we CAN'T's the fact that we USED TO be able to blog if we wished. For no real reason, they took that ability away, and replaced it with "Stracka blogs" which are just advertisements for goofy golf products masquerading as "blogs." I guess if we were all blogging, it would crowd out those ads.

It's a drag. Back when I first joined, I put up a lot of instructional blogs that were pretty popular. They were much too long to be posted as forum topics, plus they wouldn't get shoved down to page 3 like most forum posts do after a few days.

I have not tried it yet, but it seems to me that it would be possible for us to edit existing past blogs. I don't know how or if they would be displayed on the feed. It ought to be possible to simply erase the content of a blog that has already served it's purpose and replace the content with something new.

Professional Champion
# 21    3/19/2013 10:13:58 AM   
"It's not so much that we CAN'T's the fact that we USED TO be able to blog if we wished. For no real reason, they took that ability away, and replaced it with "Stracka blogs" which are just advertisements for goofy golf products masquerading as "blogs." I guess if we were all blogging, it would crowd out those ads.

It's a drag. Back when I first joined, I put up a lot of instructional blogs that were pretty popular. They were much too long to be posted as forum topics, plus they wouldn't get shoved down to page 3 like most forum posts do after a few days".

I thought that this might be the case when I originally asked the question, mainly out of curiosity. Thanks for all the responses and the debate too.

# 22    3/19/2013 1:26:45 PM   
Way I see it as just one shit thing this site has done. I look at blogs once a month now if that.
I can not blog
I can not post a round of golf
I can not score as many points
Just not as many reasons to even log on any more.
I'm only on here when I'm at work. In the past I could not wait for Monday's so I could log in and see all that was going on. Now I just had another 3 day weekend and did not even log in until after 11:00 am. will not be on here for more 20 minutes today. One thing about it I am getting more work done.

# 23    3/19/2013 2:00:11 PM   

Way I see it as just one shit thing this site has done. I look at blogs once In the past I could not wait for Monday's so I could log in and see all that was going on. One thing about it I am getting more work done.

Same here, could not wait til Monday's. Now I am a productive worker again. No more "Closest to the Pin"?????? May as well do some work!

Tim Conroy
Professional Champion
# 24    5/20/2013 10:04:51 PM   
Did they give a reason for taking away blogs? I think it is ridiculous to take them away from paying members. Its clear the site admins stifle any hits at opposition. Members provide all of the content and traffic for the site. Without the member there would be no site. Providing them with blogs would allow for more content which will also increase traffic. Raising the chances of more paying members, taking opportunities away from members will result in decreased revenue. I was hoping to start one on here to post essays and course reviews. If this policy remains, it may be enough to cancel my renewal.

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