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Improving Accuracy
Nikhil Nayak
Professional Champion
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These past two months my game has been exposed a little bit with the monsoon season here in India. With the rains, grass growth in the rough has been brutal. We've had some monster rough with even first cut getting pretty nasty. I used to blast out of the rough earlier in the summer but now consider myself lucky to just find the ball sometimes.

I've got to pitch back on to the fairway most of the time. I'm also going down 1-2 clubs to keep my ball in the fairway. All this means longer irons into greens and when I use my short irons my game is under pressure to put it close to the pin. I've added 10 strokes to my average score as a result.

I am looking for ways to improve my accuracy as its clear that its costing me. The mental side of it is even more challenging. I would love to get some tips on what I can do to improve my accuracy from any of you who have gone through something similar.

Professional Champion
# 16    11/2/2011 3:15:20 PM   
If it's fairways you seek, get a driver with a loft greater than 10.5 degrees. I bought a 13 degree, draw biased, Taylor R7 off of EBay and the draw is beautiful. Keep your feet in line or the draw turns quickly into a nasty hook. If you want to hit it straight, just open your stance a bit. I can even hit fades with it by putting the ball more forward and opening up my stance. Once I learned to play this club I went from 50% FIR to 75% FIR. Didn't take long, either.

Nikhil Nayak
Professional Champion
# 17    11/2/2011 11:05:39 PM   

Thanks Lee! I have tried opening up my stance before and you are right it does help keep the ball straight. In my case it also opens my club to put a little more cut/slice action on the ball.

I've never looked at lofts more than 9.5 degrees, In fact I used to game a diver with 8.5 for about 10 years before switching to 9.5. I will have to re-look that on the practice range.

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