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Any Sports Card Collectors out there???
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Professional Champion
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If so, I have a large collection that I am in the process of selling. I've got baseball, football, hockey and basketball cards dating back to 1951. If you're looking to complete a set, feel free to contact me with what you are looking for and I'll see if I have it.
# 1    8/11/2010 1:26:57 PM   
Like a dumbass all mine went into the trash years ago.

# 2    8/11/2010 1:39:06 PM   
Was big into it. When my last ex-wife and I split I told her to take them and sell them. There was about 10 G's worth. She needed the $$ real bad. She took them to a local card collector and he ripped her, being a female and all he only gave her 150$. I was even more pissed off at her then. Haven't talked to her since.