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Sergio's behavior in the bunker
136 Views    62 Replies    2 Likes   I like it!
Now please, I know, in fact we all know, Tiger swears and slams clubs etc...but Sergio's behavior in the bunker was way over the top! Down right disgusting!
# 46    8/18/2010 8:27:13 AM   

Has The PGA Tour fined him for his behavior??? It was a major brain fart on his part. It's not the bunkers fault, or maybe in his eyes the bunker moved over when he hit his ball.

Thanks Pete for bringing the topic back to what it was!

Professional Champion
# 47    8/18/2010 8:40:51 AM   

The white grip did it !

Wasn't it red?

# 48    8/18/2010 8:55:04 AM   
A wife beater in the making.
No wonder he's not married yet.

Professional Champion
# 49    8/18/2010 4:49:08 PM   

I never said you did use it, I thought cogolfer was saying you had before but I misunderstood what he meant. And by the way this word should totally be avoided, there's an initiative called Spread the Word To End the Word. It's not a horrible word, but when used out of context (which it is 99.9% of the time) it is terribly insulting and offensive.

My middle school actually was doing a lot on that initiative this past year during our Anti-Bullying week. It is a word that should not ever be used in a offensive manor.

So.....if call someone a retarded gimp redneck, and they are none of these, is that still politically incorrect? BTW, the whole disturbance started when someone shifted the grammar from and adjective to a noun. "Retarded" development was medically acceptable, it still may be, I don't know. But when you change that to a noun such as, "You retard" you take an unfortunate situation and personalize it. The most common psych example given uses the word bad. Someone can do a "bad" thing without being a bad person. I can't believe I'm getting into this.... later..

Professional Champion
# 50    8/18/2010 4:52:36 PM   

Man you guys really blew this one out of proportion.

I was clarifying cogolfer, I was making sure that this word wasn't being joked about. I find it very offensive when people joke about this word or use it out of context.

I know what you meant and I could understand why you brought it up. It was a joke that was just taken the wrong way and that's it.

Thanks cogolfer, you're a very kind young gentleman.

Boy does he have you fooled. Ethan is the modern-day Eddie Haskell.

I think he's the kind of pubecent hormone enriched youth that would step into the lunchroom, start a food fight, and then ease out the door and watch the mahem through the glass. In fact, I think he'd be giggling in a very scary fashion. hehehehheheh

Professional Champion
# 51    8/18/2010 6:01:51 PM   

Boy does he have you fooled. Ethan is the modern-day Eddie Haskell.

I think he's the kind of pubecent hormone enriched youth that would step into the lunchroom, start a food fight, and then ease out the door and watch the mahem through the glass. In fact, I think he'd be giggling in a very scary fashion. hehehehheheh

And then when the principal came running to break up the food fight, he'd tell him he can't believe how badly those immature students are behaving.

# 52    8/19/2010 2:12:16 PM   
Thanks for the political correct discussions as well as sensitivity class, but I think the forum was about Sergios behavior in the bunker. Before you get all bent out of shape I just want to let you know that I have a brother in law who is DOWNS SYNDROME!!!!

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