Score Comments
Comments (5)

njgolfer 8/6/2014 6:26:34 AM
That's it, get that handicap up so you can take all of Jay's money.

JayPet 8/3/2014 12:34:03 PM
What happened off the tee box??? The Daniel draw was not finding the short grass! :(

trsockwell 8/2/2014 10:01:22 PM
A great round of golf and I really enjoyed playing with Daniel (HIGH LANDER). Don't forget to send me the link to attest your score.

HIGH_LANDER 8/2/2014 6:45:25 PM
82 deg. in Houston, Tx, this morning. Great day to play. finally I, get a day off work. and find the Links at Longwood Golf Club .Enjoy playing golf with US Handicap Members, Tim, Brian & Behtaz. I, had a lot of misses and a few good shots with the 80 deg wedge around the green and out of the bunker.