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Where Have They Gone
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To paraphrase the great Shawnee chief Tecumsah, where have they gone, the Jaypets, Mongo's. Cofish, Otters, Toothetop's, Highlander's, Vincedaddy's, Mtags et al. Are we going quietly into the night never to be heard from again? Is this how it ends after years of being both almost and legends? Has the biting satire been extinguished never to be resurrected? Does anyone else miss the banter whether it be sarcastic and harmless along with entertaining? Who will mourn our passing?
# 1    4/25/2019 7:36:09 PM   
It's over! Dean Wormer put us on double secret probation, whatever that is! I bet it was Neidermeyer, he always was a sneaky little shit!

# 2    4/25/2019 11:13:10 PM   
I hope not.

# 3    4/28/2019 12:22:17 PM   
I hope it doesn’t go away all together. Every time changes have been made to the site, they take away the reasons I’m on here in the first place. The people who have been social here are a small percentage of the users, so they aren’t looking to cater to us. It’s been an enjoyable 11 yrs on here, I have played golf with a bunch a really good guys. I only wish that list could have been bigger.

# 4    4/29/2019 12:54:44 PM   
Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio a nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo hoo hoo. What's that you say Mrs. Robinson Joltin Joe has left and gone away, hey hey hey, hey hey hey.

# 5    4/29/2019 2:53:54 PM   
Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio a nation turns its lonely eyes to you, woo hoo hoo. What's that you say Mrs. Robinson Joltin Joe has left and gone away, hey hey hey, hey hey hey.

Professional Champion
# 6    1/22/2020 5:50:42 PM   
I don't even recognize this place anymore. So much has changed in the last 12 years...