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The Oldest Bars In America
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Professional Champion
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Came across this list (in order from oldest to 'newest') and wanted to see how many I have tipped a beer glass in.

I have been in:
White Horse Tavern; Newport, RI (1673)
Horse You Came In On; Baltimore, MD (1775)
Bell In Hand; Boston, MA (1795)
The Union Hotel (a.k.a. The Allentown Hotel, now DiMattias Restaurant & Lounge);
Allentown, NJ (1779)
Logan Inn; New Hope, PA (1727)

The Oldest Bars In America

White Horse Tavern; Newport, RI (1673)
The Broad Axe Tavern; Ambler, PA (1681)
Old Yarmouth Inn; Yarmouth Port, MA [Cape Cod] (1696)
Robert Morris Inn; Oxford, MD (1710)
Longfellow’s Wayside Inn; Sudbury, MA (1716)
Colt’s Neck Inn; Colts Neck, NJ (1717) [ancestry]
Barnsboro Inn; Sewell, NJ (1720)
Three Tuns Tavern; Mount Holly, NJ (1723)
Jessop’s Tavern; New Castle, DE (1724)
Logan Inn; New Hope, PA (1727)
Red Fox Inn; Middleburg, VA (1728)
White Swan Tavern; Chestertown, MD (1730)
General Lafayette Inn & Brewery/recently sold and now Barren Hill Tavern & Brewery; Lafayette Hill, PA (1732)
Hanover Tavern; Hanover, VA (1733)
Mike’s York Street Bar & Grill; Warminster, PA (1734) [Date from reader, no claim on website.]
New Boston Inn; Sandisfield, MA (1737)
White Horse Inn; White Horse (Gap), PA (1740)
Brittingham’s; Lafayette Hill, PA (1743)
Blue Bell Inn; Blue Bell, PA (1743)
General Warren Inn; Malvern, PA (1745)
Reynolds Tavern; Annapolis, MD (1747)
Middleton Tavern, Annapolis, MD (1750)
Cranbury Inn, Cranbury, NJ (1750s)
The Curtis House Inn, Woodbury, CT (1754)
The Old ’76 House; Tappan, NY (1755) [Note: Building built in 1668, but the Tavern Room was built around 1755, so not sure which date should be used.]
The Avon Old Farms Inn, Avon, CT (1757) [Seems to be a hotel now.]
The Fairfield Inn, Fairfield, PA (1757)
The Sun Inn, Bethlehem, PA (1758)
Fraunces Tavern, New York, NY (1762)
Jean Bonnet Tavern, Bedford, PA (1762)
Beekman Arms/originally the Traphagen Tavern, Rheinbeck, NY (1766)
Gadsby’s Tavern; Alexandria, VA (1770) [According to Wikipedia, it may not have been a tavern at all times in its history.]
The Publick House, Sturbridge, MA (1771)
Jean Lafittes Blacksmith Shop; New Orleans, LA (1772)
The Red Lion; Stockbridge, MA (1773)
Horse You Came In On; Baltimore, MD (1775)
Griswold Inn; Essex, CT (1776)
The Tavern; Abingdon, VA (1779)
The Union Hotel (a.k.a. The Allentown Hotel, now DiMattias Restaurant & Lounge);
Allentown, NJ (1779)
The Old Talbott Tavern; Bardstown, KY (1779)
The Warren Tavern; Charlestown, MA (1780)
Michie Tavern; Charlottesville, VA (1784)
The Tavern in Old Salem; Winston-Salem, NC (1784) {It may the current tavern was “built in 1816 as an annex to the historic 1784 Tavern.”]
Gadsby’s Tavern; Alexandria, VA (1785)
Wiggins Tavern; Northampton, MA (1786)
[tavern moved from Hopkinton, New Hampshire]
Moore’s Tavern; Freehold, NJ (1787)
Conestoga Inn; Lancaster, PA (1789)
The Hancock Inn; Hancock, NH (1789)
Ye Old Tavern; Manchester, VT (1790)
The Bridge Cafe; New York, NY (1794) [Appears to have not always been a bar.]
Century Inn; Scenery Hill, PA (1794)
Bell In Hand; Boston, MA (1795)
Dorset Inn; Dorset, MA (1796)
Professional Champion
# 16    8/15/2015 7:47:37 PM   
Hit the following today:

The Union Hotel (a.k.a. The Allentown Hotel, now DiMattias Restaurant & Lounge, Allentown, NJ (1779)

Logan Inn; New Hope, PA (1727)

Professional Champion
# 17    9/21/2016 7:57:12 AM   
Ulrich's bar open since 1868, on the top 100 list for oldest operating bars in the US.

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