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Babe Ruth versus Tiger
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Both these guys were real whore mongers, why does every body hate Tiger and love the Babe???? Just saying..... Don't get me going on the way Elvis treated women, yet somehow he is still adored and making millions $$$$.
# 1    5/7/2012 12:01:22 AM   
And Mr. Wilt Chamberlain and and and

Mark Simmons
# 2    5/7/2012 1:16:48 AM   
Be careful about using generalities. I for one am terribly disappointed in all three (including Chamberlain) and many others not mentioned.

To broaden the discussion to the population in general. I'll bet a lot of people today don't even know that Ruth and Chamberlain slept around all the time. It seems like for a lot of people 'history' only began during their lifetime. That is true for a lot of historical facts.

Not saying that accounts for all of it, just some.

Professional Champion
# 3    5/7/2012 9:25:03 AM   
Different era, different sport. Plus Tiger had this straight and narrow demeaner to him so it was more of a shock than the boozing and cigar smoking vulgar Babe Ruth. Besides how come there wasn't as much of an uproar when Jordans indiscretions came to light?

Professional Champion
# 4    5/7/2012 9:54:38 AM   
"Both these guys were real whore mongers, why does every body hate Tiger and love the Babe????"

Ask the question about 110 years from now, when Tiger has been dead for nearly 70 years like Ruth. By then, Lewis will be asking why we "hate" Golfer X of the day, and why everyone is giving Tiger a pass like he says we're doing now for the Babe.

# 5    5/7/2012 10:13:17 AM   

Different era, different sport. Plus Tiger had this straight and narrow demeaner to him so it was more of a shock than the boozing and cigar smoking vulgar Babe Ruth. Besides how come there wasn't as much of an uproar when Jordans indiscretions came to light?

Slicer I will push you a bit on the generational thing. If anything our generation is much more loose morally than it was in the 1930's. The divorce rate is 50% plus.

I can't argue that its a different sport, but Walter Hagen was quite cavalier cheating on his wife that it was a big joke in the press. To the modern era name a bigtime superstar who hasn't cheated on his spouse? Heck some people are accused of rape and still remain symbols for their sport. And I can think of two different sports on that comment.

Maybe the question is who got duped? If someone bought into how Tiger was marketed isn't that their fault? I personally don't believe I know Tiger, Phil, Rory or any professional athlete any better than I know the next stranger that walk by. But some people bought into the ad campaign and now they are upset.

If you dislike (hate) Tiger for his behavior on the course that is fine with me. I "hate" the way he acts when he screws up, and I don't think it was ever this bad when his dad was alive.

I wonder how people would have felt about Bobby Jones had they known he cheated on his wife? That would be interesting because there you would have the Patron Saint of the USGA...the pure amateur who played for the love of the game. That would have been your comparison.

As for me I never raise my nose to someone else's flaws. Tiger cheated on his wife, but I have no idea about there situation. What if they had an open marriage like many famous people do. They have open marriages, but when news hits the streets they seperate over the embarrassment. The fact is...I don't really know and neither do you.

John Daly claimed to have some inside knowledge and gave an interview where he brought it up. I won't post it, but its not hard to find.

Where I have always drawn the line (and this if for me personally) is what they do on the course or the arena. I have always enjoyed cheering for someone breaking records and writing history...its the historian in me. If Phil had won this year's Masters I would have enjoyed cheering for him to win his fifth and sixth to tie Jack.

# 6    5/7/2012 11:06:11 AM   
Don't think It's all about what Tiger did to his wife. Tiger has not played good from the time his wife left and now, When Tiger is not playing good he acts out on the course and looks like an ass. When he is playing good then he is all happy happy happy, Tiger lost some respect for what he did to his wife but lost more rcspect the way he acts like 5 years old who needs to go to the wood shed

# 7    5/7/2012 4:58:49 PM   
People kinda touched on it already... but a list of things that did not exist in the 1920's and 30's:

Golf Channel
The internet in general
TV in general

Professional Champion
# 8    5/7/2012 5:13:21 PM   

Different era, different sport. Plus Tiger had this straight and narrow demeaner to him so it was more of a shock than the boozing and cigar smoking vulgar Babe Ruth. Besides how come there wasn't as much of an uproar when Jordans indiscretions came to light?

Slicer I will push you a bit on the generational thing. If anything our generation is much more loose morally than it was in the 1930's. The divorce rate is 50% plus.

I can't argue that its a different sport, but Walter Hagen was quite cavalier cheating on his wife that it was a big joke in the press. To the modern era name a bigtime superstar who hasn't cheated on his spouse? Heck some people are accused of rape and still remain symbols for their sport. And I can think of two different sports on that comment.

Maybe the question is who got duped? If someone bought into how Tiger was marketed isn't that their fault? I personally don't believe I know Tiger, Phil, Rory or any professional athlete any better than I know the next stranger that walk by. But some people bought into the ad campaign and now they are upset.

If you dislike (hate) Tiger for his behavior on the course that is fine with me. I "hate" the way he acts when he screws up, and I don't think it was ever this bad when his dad was alive.

I wonder how people would have felt about Bobby Jones had they known he cheated on his wife? That would be interesting because there you would have the Patron Saint of the USGA...the pure amateur who played for the love of the game. That would have been your comparison.

As for me I never raise my nose to someone else's flaws. Tiger cheated on his wife, but I have no idea about there situation. What if they had an open marriage like many famous people do. They have open marriages, but when news hits the streets they seperate over the embarrassment. The fact is...I don't really know and neither do you.

John Daly claimed to have some inside knowledge and gave an interview where he brought it up. I won't post it, but its not hard to find.

Where I have always drawn the line (and this if for me personally) is what they do on the course or the arena. I have always enjoyed cheering for someone breaking records and writing history...its the historian in me. If Phil had won this year's Masters I would have enjoyed cheering for him to win his fifth and sixth to tie Jack.

So you "hate" the way he acts, but you're not a hater. The rest of us who don't like how he behaves are haters. Nice logic.

PS: Please provide some citations for Jones cheating on his wife.

Professional Champion
# 9    5/7/2012 5:14:37 PM   

People kinda touched on it already... but a list of things that did not exist in the 1920's and 30's:

Golf Channel
The internet in general
TV in general

Exactly, Ethan. A 15 (or 16) year-old like you gets it, but the "grown-ups" apparently don't.

# 10    5/7/2012 5:41:18 PM   
Just give me Tiger's money! I will pimp it up baaabbbbby! Have a pad like Tiger they would call it "This is the house that TTT built"! Wooooohoooo. LMAO

Professional Champion
# 11    5/7/2012 6:04:16 PM   
I apologize for Jerry's highly inappropriate behavoir.

Professional Champion
# 12    5/7/2012 6:25:16 PM   
LL let me clarify what i meant by different time. In my opinion professional sports athletes are held to a higher standard morally as they were back in the day. I agree we as a culture are more open but it seems that we expect more out of our athletes than in Babes day.

And i could care less what Tiger does or did in his personal life. There are people in this world that do far worse than what he did. I have enjoyed and will continue to watch him play golf. The things he does on the course bother me more than what he does in his personal life. Players should be penalized more for club throwing and slamming then they are.

Professional Champion
# 13    5/7/2012 6:48:55 PM   
I'm ambivalent towards all three people. Does that make you feel better?

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 14    5/7/2012 7:06:38 PM   
Tiger who ???
Sorry, but there are so many pros on tour that have real class. I choose to support them.

Professional Champion
# 15    5/7/2012 7:13:03 PM   

People kinda touched on it already... but a list of things that did not exist in the 1920's and 30's:

Golf Channel
The internet in general
TV in general

End of thread. Nothing more needs to be said.

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