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Mental Mistake on Par 5s
Gregory Schessler
Professional Champion
125 Views    58 Replies    8 Likes   I like it!
Lately I've been falling into a mental mistake on par 5s. The problem comes on the second shot. When I know you can't reach the green in two...and can hit any club in my bag to layup, more often than not I still grab the three wood. Why? Over the weekend, on a par 5 I hooked a three wood into a lake from 275 out. I scored an 8. On the next par 5 I layed up from 275 out. I stiffed a wedge to 10ft and was putting for birdie.

If your 250yds to 275yds out...and a three wood just isn't going to get there what do you hit? Do you lay up at 125yds to 75yds? Or do you hit it as close to the green as you can and take you chances from there?

There are a lot of positive to playing the layup.
1. Takes a double or worse completely out of play.
2.) Almost certaintly makes par adn with a good wedge provides a chance for birdie.
3.) A miss with an iron is much easier to get away with than the 3w.
4.) Makes the third shot a full swing rather than an uncomfortable half or three/quarter type of shot.

The down side to laying up -- being father away from the hole and a better chance for a birdie.

Any thoughts or advice.
Professional Champion
# 46    7/29/2011 3:33:52 PM   
That sounds about right to me. Pelz actually uses the clock method where the minute hand would be your left arm: 7:30 9:00 and 10:30. He also recommends using 4 wedges, which I do. After I did all the data collection and charted my own yardages, I found that the mental influence of "feel" affected the strength of the shot depending on the "look" of it. My REPEATABLE SWING also seemed to change from time to time. So I started using only the 9:00 o'clock data, taking this all the way through my hybrids, and let my "feel" make the necessary changes to hit the yardage mark. You'd be surprised how cool it is to get out of trouble from behind the trees, having to keep it down below 5 feet to stay beneath the branches, and nestle it inside 10 feet of the cup because you know your 3 iron will give you 135 yards from the 9:00 swing position.

Agreed! I have another chart, yeah believe that, just for my 9:00 shots. I got this from Pelz book, "Short Game Bible." It gives me my yardage for every club hitting what you would probably call a 1/4 shot. My left arm just gets to parallel to the ground, no extra power, just a smooth, even tempo for a predictable, repeatable yardage.

I do something like this but here is what they are for me:
-1/4 shaft gets parallel to the ground
-1/2 hands get to my stomach
-3/4 arms get to my chest
- full my hands get to my ear or higher depending on the club

Professional Champion
# 47    7/29/2011 5:02:16 PM   
Mastering the 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 shots are amazingly helpful.

I worked really hard on this since the end of last year. I used this to my advantage a few weeks ago to shoot my lowest round ever. I had 6 birdies, and ended up shooting a 70 (-2). I missed two birdie putts inside of 5 feet. I was hitting pins all over the place. Typically by getting to 70 or 85 yards and hitting 1/2, or 3/4 SW shots.

If you can get two or three distances inside of 100 yards that you can really get confident with. It will change your game.

# 48    7/29/2011 5:26:00 PM   

Mastering the 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 shots are amazingly helpful.

I worked really hard on this since the end of last year. I used this to my advantage a few weeks ago to shoot my lowest round ever. I had 6 birdies, and ended up shooting a 70 (-2). I missed two birdie putts inside of 5 feet. I was hitting pins all over the place. Typically by getting to 70 or 85 yards and hitting 1/2, or 3/4 SW shots.

If you can get two or three distances inside of 100 yards that you can really get confident with. It will change your game.

Yep. Wednesday I had a shot that would give a lot of non pro golfers nightmares. It was my 3rd shot on a Par 4, had 60-70 yards to the hole going over water with a brutal downhill slope of rough 10 yards past the hole. I promptly hit it 3-5 feet right of the flag exactly pin high and made the putt, there's a par. If more players did that then the average score across the planet would be a tad bit lower than what it currently is.

# 49    7/29/2011 6:34:40 PM   

some of these differences have to do with people's mentality...

Yes, now that's what I'm talking about! Gotta read that book.

Nikhil Nayak
Professional Champion
# 50    8/1/2011 9:34:49 AM   

After reading this thread I dropped down to a 3 iron on two holes that have been doing some serious damage to my scores. Came away with missing my par putts on them but still much better than the doubles & triples I've been making on them the last couple of weeks.

# 51    8/1/2011 9:37:57 AM   

After reading this thread I dropped down to a 3 iron on two holes that have been doing some serious damage to my scores. Came away with missing my par putts on them but still much better than the doubles & triples I've been making on them the last couple of weeks.

Awesome, WTG

Nikhil Nayak
Professional Champion
# 52    8/3/2011 9:22:13 AM   

After reading this thread I dropped down to a 3 iron on two holes that have been doing some serious damage to my scores. Came away with missing my par putts on them but still much better than the doubles & triples I've been making on them the last couple of weeks.

Awesome, WTG

LOL! Thanks man ... its funny how you common sense is so hard to follow.

Professional Champion
# 53    8/3/2011 9:52:22 AM   
Went for both the par-5's last night. Went birdie-eagle. Let 'er rip kids!!

# 54    8/3/2011 10:13:32 AM   

Went for both the par-5's last night. Went birdie-eagle. Let 'er rip kids!!

That's my theory on em' grip em' and rip em'.........sometimes I get Bogeys, sometimes I get Eagle's, most of the time I get birds or pars on the par 5's. The par 3's is what eats my a$$ up.

Professional Champion
# 55    8/3/2011 5:54:30 PM   
The closer I am the better I am. But the key is not to be in trouble. So hit a shot where ther is no chance of you being in trouble.

# 56    8/8/2011 11:38:10 AM   
BTW, it was a short par 4 and not a 5, buuuuuuuuuut I scored another Eagle Saturday during our member/member tourny, bestball portion. Drove the green and made a 8ft. putt for the Eagle. OOPS! lol Too bad we didn't get a stroke on that hole a double eagle would of been awesome! ;)

Professional Champion
# 57    8/8/2011 12:08:32 PM   

BTW, it was a short par 4 and not a 5, buuuuuuuuuut I scored another Eagle Saturday during our member/member tourny, bestball portion. Drove the green and made a 8ft. putt for the Eagle. OOPS! lol Too bad we didn't get a stroke on that hole a double eagle would of been awesome! ;)

Ha! The eagle that I mentioned above, I did get a stroke on...Net 2! But net scores are dumb anyway :)

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