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Playing with 2 Putters - Ever Try It?
Gregory Schessler
Professional Champion
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According to the Golf Gods we can only play with 14 clubs. But there is nothing that state what those clubs have to be. I'm a firm believer in Pelz's comment about putting -- USE WHAT EVER WORKS. If someone putts better standing on their head...then stand on your head and putt.

With that said...why not try and combine the best of both putting worlds.
What would happen if someone tried to putt with a short putter on lag putts and putt with a long/belly putter for short putts.

The only place I have even heard of someone playing with 2 putters is in Pelz's Putting Bible. Other than getting completely humiliated by our friends in our 4 somes...what would happen and could it possible work.

Has anyone ever tried it...or play with 2 putters in their bag?
Professional Champion
# 1    12/3/2011 10:11:34 PM   
There was a pro that did it a few years ago. I think it was Sergio Garcia or Mickelson but not 100% sure which one. I do remember that they did it for the exact reason that you stated. One for long putts and one for short ones.

# 2    12/3/2011 10:29:15 PM   
I've thought about it. My putting from long range with the short putter is really good. However, I'm not making enough putts inside 10 feet as I should which is holding me back, and thinking about putting the long putter in to try and fix that. I only have 13 clubs in the first place so that's not an issue. It's just an issue of money if I need to do it, but I don't want to. I'd prefer to just figure it out with the standard putter.

Professional Champion
# 3    12/3/2011 10:35:26 PM   

There was a pro that did it a few years ago. I think it was Sergio Garcia or Mickelson but not 100% sure which one. I do remember that they did it for the exact reason that you stated. One for long putts and one for short ones.

Looked it up and it was Sergio at the Accenture Match Play Championship in 2008.

Mark Simmons
# 4    12/3/2011 10:46:16 PM   

There was a pro that did it a few years ago. I think it was Sergio Garcia or Mickelson but not 100% sure which one. I do remember that they did it for the exact reason that you stated. One for long putts and one for short ones.

Looked it up and it was Sergio at the Accenture Match Play Championship in 2008.

It didn't exactly work out for Sergio.

# 5    12/3/2011 10:57:01 PM   
It is difficult enough using one putter.

Mark Simmons
# 6    12/3/2011 11:12:53 PM   
I've been experimenting with the long putter for the past two months after using a standard putter for my whole life. I wouldn't rush out and use two putters for a number of reasons.

1. Dave Pelz says use whatever works. So who's to say the long putter alone isn't the thing that is going to work best for me.

2. I am well aware of Pelz' research on this, which involves putting a standard, belly and long putter into his student's hands and seeing how they do with it. The fact that most don't do as well on distance control with the belly and long putters probably has more to do with their unfamiliarity with these putters then any inherent weakness with these putter types.

My own experience has been that in short order my distance control on long putts is better than it ever was with the standard putter, and I've been a very good putter with the standard putter (30 putts per round for years).

3. The technique for using the long putter vs. the belly and standard length putters is VERY different. Thus I would suspect the results of going back and forth between a standard and belly putter would be different than going back and forth between a standard and long putter.

walter Dykema
Professional Champion
# 7    12/4/2011 7:16:33 AM   
Yes Sir tried this a little just the other day with Highlander. I've been fighting the putter for the past several years, I just lost my stroke one day and can't seem to find it. Oh I have some alright days and maybe even some of the luckiest putts you're ever see. Most of the time after making contact with the ball I look like I had a stroke and I mean a STROKE. Some even laugh at me, ha ha not so funny to me.

I have a friend and good pal, the man can putt and he's trying to help me regain the confidence. Which I believe is the key to good putting, yes you must be able to read the greens and fine the line and also see the speed.

So far between the 2 putters, I see a better roll with my long putter for the shorter putts but hard to hit it on line on long putts. With my standard putter, the stroke can be good and on line but always short or with the short putter it's just a stab most of the time. Worst looking thing most have seen, almost a Charles Barkley.

Yes I will continue to use both in my bag looking for a true roll but think I'm only kidding myself, as mention..
you must have confidence with all putts.

I know I'm a little off the topic but think it could work with using the short putter for long putts and long putter for the short putts. Good post, get's you thinking!

# 8    12/4/2011 7:43:18 AM   
this is an interesting post.. Two putters ... i will stick with my old Karsten Ping Pal for now.. she has been good to me.. she has a little hair on her tung but im not going to trade her in for one of those new sexy long legged models.. sounds like they are a little high maintanance to me...
And i have my hands full with one ... splitting time between two or worse yet .. TWO At the same time might just Kill me! :)

Professional Champion
# 9    12/4/2011 10:16:13 AM   
I carry two in my bag. Some of the courses I have been playing are a challenge with green speeds. If the greens are fast, I use my "Foot" (see my pics and you will understand). If the greens are really slow, I use my Odessy White Hot. I pretty much use the same stroke with both. The Odessy seems a little hotter off the face so it is better for slow greens when I would have to swing my "Foot" much harder to cover the same distance.

Long (20+ ft) put with a average green = Bring the Odessy.
Average to short put on a downhill (less than 20ft) = Bring the "Foot" to the green

# 10    12/4/2011 3:27:10 PM   
I am not sure if this quote is relevant, but I will try to make it.

Bobby Jones was once asked what he thought of Chick Evans winning the US Open using only 7 clubs (thats right 7 clubs). Jones' reply,

"Its better to be an expert with seven clubs, rather than vaguely familiar with 14."

I would not suggest playing with 2 putters, but rather I would recommend practicing your lag putts with a putter you trust on short ones. That being said...Golf is psychological (ask Tiger)...if you feel you need two putter then use two putters.

Mark Simmons
# 11    12/4/2011 4:09:16 PM   

So far between the 2 putters, I see a better roll with my long putter for the shorter putts but hard to hit it on line on long putts...Yes I will continue to use both in my bag looking for a true roll but think I'm only kidding myself, as must have confidence with all putts.

Walter, I can tell by your post you are working hard at this. Can I make a suggestion? You say you are finding it hard to hit it online with the long putter on lengthy putts. That's a problem with technique, but of course you'll never get any confidence until you can consistently roll the rock on the line you intend. So my suggestion is that you check out the forum topic "The Long Putter" for help on your technique to see if we can lock in your direction control.

Mark Simmons
# 12    12/4/2011 4:20:35 PM   

I am not sure if this quote is relevant, but I will try to make it.

Bobby Jones was once asked what he thought of Chick Evans winning the US Open using only 7 clubs (thats right 7 clubs). Jones' reply,

"Its better to be an expert with seven clubs, rather than vaguely familiar with 14."

I would not suggest playing with 2 putters, but rather I would recommend practicing your lag putts with a putter you trust on short ones. That being said...Golf is psychological (ask Tiger)...if you feel you need two putter then use two putters.

I suspect this is right Lewis. I know I'm working really hard and long right now trying to get locked in with the long putter, and have kept my standard length putter away collecting dust so I can give the long putter my full attention.

I'm also not convinced Dave Pelz' data is being interpreted correctly. You are basically comparing results for a pool of people who've used a standard length putter all their lives and now have a first chance to use the belly and long putters. If you really wanted valid results on which putter was better, you need to control all the other variables (experience with the implement being the obvious variable they haven't controlled in Petz' data).

Gregory Schessler
Professional Champion
# 13    12/4/2011 5:18:39 PM   
I was able to get 9 holes in today. I wasn't expecting much 38 degrees, but sunny. But I really wanted to try out my new golf app -- just got a smart phone (HTC Rezound) and got Golf Logix.

Today I stuck two putters in my bag...I used my long putter all day. But had my short one in the bag just in case...shall we say "things go south."

In the end...I would say its too early to tell if I'm a long putter convert. I will say this...with the long putter several things happen.
1.) I thing a lot less. Pretty much just setup and go.
2.) Long putter seem easier.

Though I won't say more putts go in...I would say...I don't believe I putt any worse. So the jury is still out...just have to trust it and see what happens.

Mark Simmons
# 14    12/4/2011 5:53:53 PM   
Gregory, besides learning the proper technique, I found I had to make two adjustments with the long putter. Once I started using the proper technique I found the higher mass head and mechanics involved generate a putt that holds it's speed longer (less skidding and higher mass means my ball loses momentum more gradually). This translates to:

1. Longer putts tend to go well beyond the hole until you adjust and get a feel for the long putter.

2. You may need to read more break. How much depends on whether you are a die-at-the-hole putter' or an 18-inches-past-the-hole putter.

I've always been an 18-inches-past-the-hole putter, which means I had to adjust quite a bit, because the ball will take more break around the hole even if it goes 18-inches behind the hole.

Even your buddies will notice the difference in how gradually the ball slows with the long putter. I can't tell you the number of times I've been told by someone that they thought a ball I put in the hole was going to come up way short.

Mark Simmons
# 15    12/4/2011 5:58:24 PM   

I'm also not convinced Dave Pelz' data is being interpreted correctly. You are basically comparing results for a pool of people who've used a standard length putter all their lives and now have a first chance to use the belly and long putters.

After I posted this, I realized that the "You" at the beginning of the second sentence could be interpreted to being directed at you Lewis. I meant it as the generic 'you' as there isn't anything in your posts that suggests you personally have interpreted the results this way. I hope you got that.

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