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Playing with 2 Putters - Ever Try It?
Gregory Schessler
Professional Champion
115 Views    19 Replies    8 Likes   I like it!
According to the Golf Gods we can only play with 14 clubs. But there is nothing that state what those clubs have to be. I'm a firm believer in Pelz's comment about putting -- USE WHAT EVER WORKS. If someone putts better standing on their head...then stand on your head and putt.

With that said...why not try and combine the best of both putting worlds.
What would happen if someone tried to putt with a short putter on lag putts and putt with a long/belly putter for short putts.

The only place I have even heard of someone playing with 2 putters is in Pelz's Putting Bible. Other than getting completely humiliated by our friends in our 4 somes...what would happen and could it possible work.

Has anyone ever tried it...or play with 2 putters in their bag?
polo1576  RL
Professional Champion
# 16    12/5/2011 3:25:36 AM   
Ya know I was thinking about this& just never did it. I have a Cameron & I also can hit well with a ghost. Wife would look at me really really crazy if she sees that ghost. I can imagine the conversation. We like to challenge each other at home putting. She likes to use my Cameron because she thinks there is an advantage but wait until I pop out that spIder. 2 is a good idea. All in the mind though.

walter Dykema
Professional Champion
# 17    12/5/2011 5:12:59 PM   

So far between the 2 putters, I see a better roll with my long putter for the shorter putts but hard to hit it on line on long putts...Yes I will continue to use both in my bag looking for a true roll but think I'm only kidding myself, as must have confidence with all putts.

Walter, I can tell by your post you are working hard at this. Can I make a suggestion? You say you are finding it hard to hit it online with the long putter on lengthy putts. That's a problem with technique, but of course you'll never get any confidence until you can consistently roll the rock on the line you intend. So my suggestion is that you check out the forum topic "The Long Putter" for help on your technique to see if we can lock in your direction control.

Thanks Mr. Mark I will review the post a little better and give a report back.
I know you are right, technique is a key. I could lose 5-10 strokes easily with making the right adjustments I'm sure. I was practicing in the Living room earlier before reading this and saw my whole lower body moving with the draw back. Once I balanced myself it looked much better, just couldn't figure out how to hold the rascal with a good feeling.
Thanks, I will return.

DL Golfer
Professional Champion
# 18    2/8/2012 4:10:06 PM   
I see nothing wrong with carrying 2 putters at the expense of a seldom used long iron. Think how many strokes on our cards come from 50 yards or less. That's why I carry 4 wedges.

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