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Motion to form committee
Posted in: Fantasy Golf
595 Views    17 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
I'd like to move that a committee be form to organize the 2019 National Get Together.

Nominations accepted until December 31, 2018.
Vote to be held on Jan 1, 2019
Committee to receive dates and locations from past, current, and future participants during the month of January.
Location and dates to be decided by committee by end of Feb.

Let the bitching commence.
# 16    11/28/2018 7:34:42 PM   

I feel so fortunate to have fortuitously found this site and NGT. I am plussed to have been re-united with my friend Jay (1500 miles), I have made some new friends ( all of the NGT group) especially Don and Vince; Kelcey and I have gotten closer as a result of the trips (listening to him snore and spending time with his family in Florida
....Anyway, I love going to Florida and plan to often from now till death but i would also like to experience other (golf) venues as well. E.G. N.Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Wisconsin, ETC.
Jay does a great job getting us great deals in Florida. Don has honed in on N. Carolina.... Wonderful! .. it doesn't seem that anyone else has the gumption to take the reigns for their preferred destination.. My solution is this.. form a committee as Vince suggests.. Simple: 3 guys to table some ideas, collect the feedback and ultimately putt up the best ideas to a vote from everyone..
I nominate these 3... Jay..Don..Vince
there are several others who are worthy However, I think that these 3 are familiar with just about everyone, have strong drive, strong viewpoints, and will ultimately will speak honestly and for the group.

I do realize however, that Don has made the ultimatum that if we chose to go anywhere other than N. Carolina that he will not be "the guy".. As such if anyone truly wants to embark on another venue he should be prepared to plan the trip as well.

... finally, I wrote this after 2 good shots of Whiskey ( that's a lot for me)

The whiskey is definitely having an affect on your geography. It's SOUTH Carolina, Frank...twice. Don't book your flight while drinking and don't get Vince all excited about a trip to his home state, lol! Someone stepping up isn't really an ultimatum but at the same time someone has to put "something" together when all the talking is over then you guys realize it's Spring and we've lost several guys because nobody was proactively planning for a date and location by January for those that need to know.

Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 17    11/28/2018 7:36:19 PM   
I read it after fried pork chops, skillet potatoes, garden beans, and biscuits. What's for dessert?.....

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