Community  /  Golfers  /  Group: World Golfers Amateur Tour - North Florida
Member Handicap Last Online
N/A 10/5/2018 6:57:22 PM
Marvin Shavers
N/A 4/9/2016 11:48:57 PM

Comments (2)

Marvin Shavers 3/3/2013 9:26:14 PM
Join the WGAT North Florida Tour and play in the Fleming Island Invitational March 9th.
Group Information
Membership: Public
Group Type: Golf Team
Members: 2
The WGAT is an International tour that plays tournament golf. In the USA we play all across the country. All of our tournaments qualify people to play in the National Championship. Unlike other amateur tours across the country, we aren't competing for just a trophy at the end of the year. A win at the Nationals and you get an all expense paid trip to South Africa to represent the USA against the world in the World Championships! Check us out today!
Group Admin
Marvin Shavers
Handicap#: 1898885