Score Comments
Comments (1)

Joel Davidson 6/17/2013 7:53:18 PM
Overall played a great round of golf despite having a tough day off the tee. Hit my irons the purest I have in a while, straightened out my long irons by taking slower swings. I find that I've been feeling the need to swing harder, need to slow down and get into a better tempo, and have a generally less "violent swing.

Grip felt good, keep taking the club back slowly, make a smooth swing, and focus on transferring your weight.

Best hole: Played the 10th perfectly, drive up the pipe, laid up to 110 with an 8 and hit a wedge to 8 feet, missed the birdie but made a good putt.

Worst hole: Played the 9th brutally. Bad tee tight sprayed right, brutal and unnecessary shot with my 3-wood, took too aggressive a line and hit it in the bunker. Made a one putt bogey save after a nice chip.