Score Comments
Comments (1)

JinyongWuxia 5/5/2012 6:29:25 PM
It was a cloudy day and felt little chilly except when the sun broke out occasionally. With mostly 10 to 15 mph NW wind, it made you feel like a perfect condition for golf. Only thing missing was that none of us got a decent score. A slower than usual greens didn't help, neither.

Playing with GaryH XLu ZJ, JakcyHerbertGaryWYNZ

Driver was below par, iron was terrible, short game was so so, putter was hot and cold.

Best shots:
1. A hat (present from GaryH) came with birdie, just as GaryH proclaimed.
2. Long birdie putts on 5th and 8th.
3. Teeoff on 9th.
4. 9-iron 3rd shot on 11th from 123y out right first cut, the ball faded to avoid the tree.
5. 5-iron 2nd shot on 15th from 153y out left rough, a perfect low draw underneath the tree.
6. Sandy on 17th.

To do: divot, divot, divot...