Score Comments
Comments (4)

cogolfer1 12/23/2010 10:39:45 AM
Not bad Foozy.

PeteG512 12/23/2010 8:46:34 AM
Nice comeback on back 9, Excellent FIR

bradley894 12/23/2010 8:38:20 AM
way to hang Tufffff.. in the final stretch.... New years resolution... somehow we all hafta put our heads togather and find you a short game... you will be breaking 90 consistantly..... seems simple... chip it closer to the pin and you will have less three putts and more 1 putts. best wishes... wish i was there to practice with you... nothing but snow here my freind.....happy Hollidays :)

ShaunCrawford 12/23/2010 7:58:43 AM
Well done, Foozy... you continue to break 100