Score Comments
Comments (1)

Eric Eveland 7/26/2017 4:45:14 PM
I'd love to go on a long poetic rant on how this should have been the day but the bottom line is upon further reflection I got some GREAT bounces on multiple holes that kept my ball in play on a day where the course was soft and forgiving.

Youth league taking place when I got there, started on the back, played thru 4 seniors on 10 tee box without even really stretching/getting loose. Lucky that tee shot held up on the left. Amazing my ball held on no15 you could argue, also argue that on a warm dry day that ball might bounce up near the green. Mulligans on 16 AND 18 (stop doing that).

Yes it was a solid front nine making the turn by myself with no one else on the course. Yes, I was in perfect position after the great birdie putt on 7 and two PERFECT drives on 8 and 9. Either make the putt on 8 and give yourself a cushion or make damn sure you cover your yardage on your last fucking shot of the day.