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single plane swing
Professional Champion
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Has anyone went to the single plane swing like Moe Norman. I tried with the driver on a few swings seems to work well with driver but irons were flat and low flight. It seems really simple swing. I am thinking about switching over to single plane any thoughts.
Don Freeman
Professional Champion
# 1    11/5/2013 7:43:50 PM   
I used it all last year. Hit a baby draw with my irons. what I found was I lost some distance because I wasn't compressing the ball every time. I felt as if my arms were just sweeping the ball. I was very accurate that way because I knew how the ball flight would be. But I changed my swing this past June because of the distance loss and when my timing was off I was ugly inaccurate. I like my new swing better. I feel that when I drop the club in the "slot" I get more lag time and it seems to help my distance. My accuracy has improven tremendously also. I am throwing darts at pins now, which I had never done before with any consistency.

Professional Champion
# 2    11/5/2013 7:46:50 PM   

I used it all last year. Hit a baby draw with my irons. what I found was I lost some distance because I wasn't compressing the ball every time. I felt as if my arms were just sweeping the ball. I was very accurate that way because I knew how the ball flight would be. But I changed my swing this past June because of the distance loss and when my timing was off I was ugly inaccurate. I like my new swing better. I feel that when I drop the club in the "slot" I get more lag time and it seems to help my distance. My accuracy has improven tremendously also. I am throwing darts at pins now, which I had never done before with any consistency.

I am going to try to just us single plane with the driver and my regular swing with irons. I want to hit more fairways I think I could be 5 strokes lower if I can control driver more.

poisonivey Don Freeman