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Swing Speed @ new driver question
Professional Champion
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I am going to get a new driver for my birthday this year. my ? is my swing speed is between 85 to 95 with my driver what shaft should I get reg. or stiff. I have stiff now. sales man at a golf store advised to go to a reg but , Iwanted to hear from my stracka friends to see what you think Taylormade superfast is what I am leaning to buying.
Professional Champion
# 1    6/26/2010 7:46:29 PM   
My advice would be to swing a couple different flexes and even different brands of shaft. Aldila's regular might not feel the same as Fujikara's. so try as many as you can and go with what you like best.

Professional Champion
# 2    6/26/2010 8:46:44 PM   
I agree, go hit a couple different shafts and see. Also remember that different brands are slightly different in terms of flex and kick point...for example, I think the Aldila NV "stiff" feels more whippy than, say, a UST stiff, even though they both say stiff. My driver swing speed is around 103, so I play a "soft stiff" myself (Aldila Voodoo) which gives me a good amount of ball control without feeling like a telephone pole.

You probably know this already, but in general, the stiffer the shaft, the harder it is to turn the club over. There is also less "whip" at the bottom, meaning shots will fly lower for the most part (vs. a regular shaft).

Both of these attributes are advantages, but only if you're strong enough to control them. A stiffer shaft, you see, will guard against the screaming hook, which is the shot most golfers hate...just ask Dustin Johnson. And the lower ball flight performs better in the wind. But if you don't have a good release (and frankly, most golfers don't), the face will be wide open at'll hit the mother and father of all slices. And the lower ball flight means less carry, which usually means less distance...and that surely makes those forced water carries pretty scary!

But at your swing speed, I'd say you're probably going to like the regular shaft. It's going to be more forgiving in terms of accuracy and carry at your swing speed. You gotta think about it in terms of 18 holes, you know. You might be able to hit a stiff shaft fine in the store on the launch monitor, but be honest, when you step on the 18th tee after a long round, can you still swing it? The more tired your muscles become, the harder it is to "activate" that stiff shaft, and the more your shots suffer.

# 3    6/26/2010 9:39:57 PM   
Hi,Poisonivey.just to let you know.i just got fitted with a new Callway FT9 Driver.i went to Golf Galaxy,and Chris,had me hit several drivers with different,lofts and shafts.the process was good,the Launcher,let me know how far and the accuracy,of the ball flight.also if you have the time get fitted for the best golf ball to tee off with.hope this helps.hit em long and straight.

Professional Champion
# 4    6/27/2010 2:43:22 PM   
My advice would be regular. I use a stiff shaft and my swing speed is 108-115. I went to this Golf Clinic a few weeks ago and the teaching pro at the driving segment had me hit with a mens driver with a stiff shaft and a women's driver with a flexible shaft. Bot Callaway drivers. I told him I couldn't hit the flexible because the shaft was too soft and I had a really fast swing speed. He wanted me to hit it anyway. So I did. I killed it with the women's driver. He told me that you can swing the most flexible club that you can control and still get the distance you want. And that some competitors in long drive competitions use flesible shafts for that extra power. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't hit it so far. But thats just my story. I am pretty sure others out there will have the exact opposite experience as me.

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