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Better Play This One Soon!!
Posted in: Asia & Australia
223 Views    7 Replies    2 Likes   I like it!
So this big volcano thing in Indonesia is getting ready to go all Krakatoa and what. I'm checking Google Earth to get an up close view of it and what do I find a mere 5.5 miles from the fuse on this firecracker?? A really nice looking golf course. Don't know if the link will work but here it is,

How much is a rupee anyway? I'm guessing there's some heavy discounts to be had this week only. Looking around the area, this thing is going to be a real mess. There are a whole bunch of people living right up close and personal to this smoker. Check out the views in the background on the web site. It's merapigolf dot com if the link doesn't work. Hope everyone stays safe, and next time you think you are having a bad day, at least you don't have a volcano trying to play through..
Professional Champion
# 1    11/4/2010 6:07:51 PM   
Lee, I was curious and looked up the country and their currency. It is in Indonesia and their currency is a Rupiah. According to Google, 1 USD is equal to about 8,900 IDR (Indonesian Rupriahs.)

# 2    11/4/2010 6:21:25 PM   
Hmm, so guest fee 650,000 (weekend), cart fee 200,000 caddy 35,000 (why not), club rental 200,000, shoe rental 50,000. One million one hundred thirty five thousand IDR about a little less than $130. Bet you play this week for 50 bucks, but you'll have to tip the caddy BIG!!!

# 3    11/8/2010 3:28:54 AM   
Flights to Jakarta grounded due to volcanic ash....

Do you know anyone who has played here? Looks like a very pretty place, or was until recently.

# 4    11/9/2010 2:53:14 PM   
Not the place to be when that thing goes boom~Alot of ground under repair I'm sure~

# 5    11/9/2010 4:44:32 PM   

Not the place to be when that thing goes boom~Alot of ground under repair I'm sure~

some major divot repair will be in order!!