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Crazy Putting Observation
Gregory Schessler
Professional Champion
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I recently got a 48" long putter built. I got it more because I was curious than than anything else.

After practice for a little bit and taking it out for a spin on the course I notices a few things.

1.) It was really good on short putts -- inside 10' to 15'.
2.) Distance control is a little bit tougher.
3.) The club maker who built my putter told me lots of people are get long/belly putters built -- because of Adam Scott and the pros started using them.

In shot I find it similar to putting Left Hand Low --- (very good/automatic on short putts but takes some getting use to on lagging.

When I went back to my regular 34" putter, I was putting BETTER. I hitting my putter consistantly, my tempo was smooth and I was keeping my head down more.

Has anyone every heard of using a long putter to help improve putting with a short flat stick?????

I also wanted to know why are more MEN use long putters & belly putters but I can't even name one woman (amature or pro) who plays with one. Can anyone else????
Professional Champion
# 1    9/11/2011 11:39:28 PM   
No.. and here's why: long putter is more of a fulcrum motion which in theory works consistently.. but you lose the feel and distance over time... it becomes more robotic.. which maybe that is what you are looking for .. I would be cautiously optimistic..

# 2    9/12/2011 6:43:31 AM   
Yep. Michelle Wie is now using one. Other than her, I can't think of anyone. The fact you've gotten better with the short putter is why a lot of players go to the long/belly putter. Ernie Els went to the belly putter just so he could try and get better with the conventional. He uses a long putter, is getting pretty good at it, and still thinks it should be illegal.

# 3    9/12/2011 9:57:45 AM   
I developed the yips 25 years ago, and have been using long putters since about 1990. So its weird when I play now and people ask how I like them.

In short, the long putter takes the the right hand ( for righties) totally out the equation. For a lot of players, the "claw" grip does this as well as left hand low, which encourages a pulling motion through the stroke.

Using the longer putters will definitely help with the short putting stroke if you are getting too much right hand or hit in it.

# 4    9/12/2011 10:04:38 AM   
Here is a did you know...

Did you know that Ben Hogan made the first long putter during the later years of his career? He struggled so much with his putting, and the longer putter solved nearly all of his issues.

However, Hogan thought it looked odd and was embarrassed to use the club in a tournament.

# 5    9/12/2011 1:39:37 PM   
I have a 50" putter. it does not hurt my back as bad as the short putter does. For this reason I love my long putter.