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Do you play better solo or with a group?
Gregory Schessler
Professional Champion
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I've noticed a weird trend in my golf game -- I play better solo than in a group.
I find myself more relaxed solo and able to play at my own pace better.

I was wondering if anyone else experiences this same problem and how to overcome it?

I have read the tour players are not bothered by who they are paired up with. I find this hard to believe. Any thoughts or advice?
Professional Champion
# 1    4/24/2011 5:08:38 PM   
I've never played solo ... so I really can't say for sure ... but I prefer playing in a group for a little competition.

# 2    4/24/2011 5:08:44 PM   
Back in the day, I used to play better with myself, now I find myself playing better with people I've never played with before~

# 3    4/24/2011 5:14:50 PM   
With other people. I rush things too much if I'm by myself.

Professional Champion
# 4    4/24/2011 5:48:52 PM   
I practice with myself...(yeah.. I know.. there is a joke in there) but when I play with a group,,, It's ON....

# 5    4/24/2011 7:42:23 PM   
solo! No question..

Brian Watson
Professional Champion
# 6    4/25/2011 7:10:42 AM   

90% of the time, definitely solo!

Two reasons: rhythm (and tempo) as well as not allowing their frustrations to affect me...

The only time that playing in a group helps in my opinion is when they are all better than me but play equally as fast as I do... I don't get out of rhythm but my competitive juices start flowing and I often see better results....


I agree with the above. I can play with others that keep a good pace and there temper in check. Someones who's game blows up and we have to search for lost balls, etc does effect my game

# 7    4/25/2011 11:15:05 AM   

solo! No question..

I fly solo alot and do play way better. I get distracted, frustrated and nerveous all at the same time even when I play with my husband. I don't have the confidence to play with a lot of ppl

Professional Champion
# 8    4/25/2011 11:20:05 AM   
The size of the group doesnt really effect my game as long as the game isnt slow. I have found that if I can play at a good pace I play my best but if I have to wait for slow players my game goes down the drain.

# 9    4/25/2011 12:15:24 PM   
I enjoy playing with a group due to the competition and the atmosphere of being around friends but other than that the disadvantages of playing in a group far exceed its advantages...when playing in a group I have to pay attention to too many other things such as who is away, where their ball went, help look for it if is isn't in the fairway, avoid stepping in other lines, and while fun, the chit chat between shots is distracting to golf.

I play better golf when I play solo because I can play my speed without delay and I can stay in the moment beween shots.

Professional Champion
# 10    4/25/2011 7:43:18 PM   

solo! No question..

I fly solo alot and do play way better. I get distracted, frustrated and nerveous all at the same time even when I play with my husband. I don't have the confidence to play with a lot of ppl

Doesn't matter to me but like cogolfer, I rush when I'm by myself. Lindsey, you're just picking the wrong people to play with. Probably hanging out with the testosterone crowd who don't believe in encouraging their competition, even when there is no competition. You'd have fun playing with the wife and I and several others on here I've joined up with.

# 11    4/26/2011 9:33:05 AM   

solo! No question..

I fly solo alot and do play way better. I get distracted, frustrated and nerveous all at the same time even when I play with my husband. I don't have the confidence to play with a lot of ppl

Doesn't matter to me but like cogolfer, I rush when I'm by myself. Lindsey, you're just picking the wrong people to play with. Probably hanging out with the testosterone crowd who don't believe in encouraging their competition, even when there is no competition. You'd have fun playing with the wife and I and several others on here I've joined up with.

I have played with Bucknut...that was a blast ;) and tried to get with smatoska when he was here but my schedule didn't work out.

Professional Champion
# 12    4/26/2011 3:05:18 PM   
Solo, but that's not good practice for competition, unless I'm trying to work something out of my swing mechanically speaking. If I stay away from the pressure of a group for too long I get complacent and I get used to playing fast and dropping extra balls, etc. So, I try to play with other people as much as possible.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 13    4/26/2011 7:42:08 PM   

it's frustrating, too, but in general, i feel rushed and play too fast in a group. i don't play well when I feel rushed.

if the tour player DOESN'T get used to playing with random people, they aren't a tour player.

Professional Champion
# 14    4/26/2011 8:04:34 PM   


it's frustrating, too, but in general, i feel rushed and play too fast in a group. i don't play well when I feel rushed.

if the tour player DOESN'T get used to playing with random people, they aren't a tour player.

Right on... different courses, different greens, different beds... different girlfriends...

Mark Simmons
# 15    4/27/2011 1:45:53 AM   
It's more a case of being able to focus than anything else. So solo if there aren't distractions around me can be really conducive to better golf, but so can a group under the right conditions.

Conversely, if your solo and have to be constantly on your guard because the groups around you are spraying the ball all over the place, hitting into you, not yelling 'fore' can be a real distraction. So can a group if they aren't behaving themselves and you have to 'manage' and deal with them as well as your golf game.

Makes sense?