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Packers Fan Fired
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Since there are many Packer fans around I thought you might find this article interesting.
ShareEmailPrintTue Jan 25 01:18am EST

Chicago man wears Packers tie to work, is promptly fired
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From Chicago's comes the unfortunately real story of a Chicago car salesman who was fired because he wore a Green Bay Packers tie to work. And making it even worse, the man wore it because his grandma was a Packers fan who had recently died and was buried two days before her beloved team's NFC Championship game matchup with the Chicago Bears.

Now, I've never been the general manager of a car dealership before, but firing an employee because of the sports logo emblazoned on his necktie seems rather small and petty.

Come on, general managers of car dealerships in the greater Chicago area. You lost. Now you have to take it like men.

From the Chicago Tribune:

John Stone said that when he showed up at work, general manager Jerry Roberts called him over to his office and then ordered him to take off the Packers tie or else he would be fired. Stone said he thought Roberts was joking and went back to work. An hour later, Stone said, Roberts came to the showroom floor and again demanded he take off the tie. When he didn't, he was fired, Stone said.

"I didn't know you could get fired for wearing a tie," said Stone, 34, of Chicago's Roseland neighborhood. "I'm supposed to dress up. I'm a car salesman."

The Tribune goes on to detail how general manager Jerry Roberts said the dealership had previously done promotions involving the Chicago Bears.

"I don't feel that it was appropriate for him to go directly in contrast with an advertising campaign that we spent a lot of money on," Roberts told WGN reporter Judie Garcia.

Even if the manager's reasons are valid -- and I can understand his concerns about upsetting local customers or running contradictory to an advertising agreement with the Bears -- this still seems like something rational adults should have been able to talk through in about 30 seconds.

I hope Stone lands on his feet at a Packer-friendly dealership somewhere. He did say that he already has an interview with another dealership. And I hope he's replaced at the old dealership by a loyal Bears fan who couldn't sell Caleb Hanie a razor.
# 1    1/25/2011 8:05:11 PM   
Crap like this really pisses me off. I guess if I'm living in Oakland for some reason one day and the Broncos beat the Raiders by a point in the AFC Champ. and I go into work wearing these pants I'll get fired. Some people take the slightest thing WAY too seriously.

Professional Champion
# 2    1/25/2011 8:40:16 PM   

Crap like this really pisses me off. I guess if I'm living in Oakland for some reason one day and the Broncos beat the Raiders by a point in the AFC Champ. and I go into work wearing these pants I'll get fired. Some people take the slightest thing WAY too seriously.

Nice joke Ethan, Broncos and Raiders in the AFC title game.

The guy is a Packer fan so what they probably failed to mention is he was being obnoxious and most likely drunk or hung over at the very least. He was asked once to remove the tie he failed to do so. Sounds like insubordination to me.

# 3    1/25/2011 9:26:47 PM   
Sounds like a case for a lawyer~Easy money!!

Professional Champion
# 4    1/25/2011 10:17:50 PM   

Sounds like a case for a lawyer~Easy money!!

Yup, it will hit the HR department along with a blank check the owner will need to sign.

# 5    1/26/2011 6:52:34 AM   

Crap like this really pisses me off. I guess if I'm living in Oakland for some reason one day and the Broncos beat the Raiders by a point in the AFC Champ. and I go into work wearing these pants I'll get fired. Some people take the slightest thing WAY too seriously.

Hey buddy....................................WAKE UP!!!!!!!! IT'S ALL A BAD DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!! There's no place like home, there's no place like home.

Professional Champion
# 6    1/26/2011 7:28:11 AM   
I thought the owner could have handled it differently, such as sending him home for the day without pay if he refused to remove the tie, and posssibly tacking on a 3-day suspension.

Professional Champion
# 7    1/26/2011 1:45:14 PM   
I'm sure the dress code said "no offensive clothing" and being right after the Bears loss I can understand management not wanting to lose a sale. What's the big deal, he can wear his tie outside of work with pride, and probably get the sh#* kicked out of him.

Professional Champion
# 8    1/26/2011 2:21:11 PM   
People in this world need to grow up. This is so typical of Americans and makes me so sick. "Is this not a FREE country , or did I wake up in Iran? So upsetting were our economy is that someone can be fired for supporting their team.

the employer also has the right to employ or not employ someone too

# 9    1/27/2011 5:15:00 PM   

People in this world need to grow up. This is so typical of Americans and makes me so sick. "Is this not a FREE country , or did I wake up in Iran? So upsetting were our economy is that someone can be fired for supporting their team.

For most jobs people are "at will" employees. This means that they can be fired at any time for any reason. There are some exceptions but not many. If your employer does not like the way you dress, tells you, and you do not comply they can fire you like it or not. May not seem fair but that's the way it is.