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Posts & Pictures - What do YOU think!
Posted in: Website Suggestions
189 Views    21 Replies    12 Likes   I like it!
Okay, it seems from time to time the posting of a comment or picture elicits some pretty strong negative reactions, some of which get rather personal at times. So what IS acceptable in your view?

I'm pretty tolerant myself. I couldn't care less if someone posts a picture of a baseball bat if it is something they want to share. Yes the site is about golf but life happens too and golf doesn't exist in a vacuum, it is influenced by or influences many other aspects of our lives.

So let's get it out on the table. What do you like to see the most of? And of course what bugs you the most.
# 1    11/25/2011 2:22:47 PM   
i don't like posting for the sake of posting and the standard response that doesn't usually have that much creativity. i don't care about seeing different things but like everything else, in moderation please. if i like a picture, i'll comment or if i think a comment would be appreciated for a pic i think is important to someone then i'll try and say something nice. most of the time i will just try and be a smartass or maybe take a playful jab at someone. i've got to be really pissed to lash out and i can't remember the last time i did that. people have to realize what people post or do on this site isn't gonna please everyone and there are things that could be better on the site but you have to take the good with the bad. it should never get to the point where people are just going out of their way to be rude or mean to someone that gets on their nerves. it should never be that big of a deal or be taken that seriously. it's golf and people who also like golf. that should be about it. good post, butthole (obviously kidding).

Professional Champion
# 2    11/25/2011 2:48:04 PM   
I dont understand some peoples desire to post 20 pics from a golf course. Most of the pics suck. Just my opinion. I do love seeing the pics that Diamnond Dave takes. He has a real eye for scenic pics.

Professional Champion
# 3    11/25/2011 3:17:09 PM   
It does get tedious to wade through a lot of pics ofthe same course. But it is a golf website. Maybe set it up where you post to an album rather than individual pics.

# 4    11/25/2011 5:06:44 PM   
Well, first off, Stracka I hope you're listening, IGNORE BUTTON. If we get that on here then almost all controversy can be solved personally for each user. I post my fair share of pics and not all related to golf. I don't go overboard though and try and spread everything out in a respectable load so people aren't looking at the same thing over and over. I prefer golf related stuff the most since it's a golf site, but the occasional non golf related pic is perfectly fine by me.

# 5    11/25/2011 5:34:52 PM   
And to those who post for the sake of points and ONLY that sake. There are 2 things you get for it. 1) A black bar instead of a green one. wow yay.... 2) You have a wide selection of about 10 things to buy in the store in which the other 90 things you could buy before was cleaned out by the site crew for no reason. Point herding gets older than anything else on this site for me. I feel like that's 99% of the reason we get so much of the photo after photo after photo stuff.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 6    11/25/2011 5:59:08 PM   
I don't even look at the photos, so what difference does it make? Anything short of kiddie porn is fine by me.

Very little bugs me, though I must say the constant posting of what bugs us is lame. Slow play bugs you? Shocking. People who don't fix their ball marks bugs you? Why not post THAT for about the millionth time.

# 7    11/25/2011 6:31:52 PM   

...good post, butthole (obviously kidding).
Alright, that's the last straw GJ13! Let's step outside and, and, and...oh hell, hows' a shot of JD sound to ya! :)

# 8    11/25/2011 8:04:00 PM   
Myself I perfer to see a combination of some nice pics of a course. Theres some members better at this than others. And this isn't any JAB towards anyone. But it seems the only people that has posted pics of late it alstaxi and Highlander. I'm sorry, its one thing to post a few pics but its another thing to post pics just for the sake of scoring the pointless points and the next thing you know you have posted so many pics of one location that we know whats on their menu at the turn. To me the best guys posting pics on this site of late that know how to show the course they played without wearing it out is Gary Shukhat and Iwowen. Check out these two guys photos. good stuff. Leaves you saying, Thanks guys for sharing~

Mark Simmons
# 9    11/25/2011 9:22:36 PM   
I've got three principles I try to employ.

1. Add value to the site. Be a contributor, but not just for the sake of posting something. I try to give something of value: A tip, a pointer, a word of encouragement, something that will bring a smile. Through photos we can take each other places we may never be able to go to ourselves, or introduce each other to places that we now might make it a point to see for ourselves.

2. The Golden Rule -- Treat others as well as you would like to be treated.

3. I try not to be a stumbling block to others. I might try to playfully rib some of you now and then, but I try to make it very clear that's what's going on. I wouldn't want to goad any of you into doing or saying something we both might regret later.

As far as non-golf related material; I think some of us have had a lot of interaction with each other and gone beyond being just 'acquaintances' on an online site. We know we share a love for golf, but some of us have other things going on in our lives that are pretty interesting. As long as we remember that what we put here is on a public site, I'm okay with posting some of this and would occasionally do so myself consistent with my three principles above.

Professional Champion
# 10    11/26/2011 5:12:55 AM   
For me, it's really very simple. It's like watching TV. I see something that doesn't appeal to me........CLICK.

Why waste good rage on something as insignificant as golf course pictures?

Professional Champion
# 11    11/26/2011 5:22:39 AM   

I've got three principles I try to employ.

I'm okay with posting some of this and would occasionally do so myself consistent with my three principles above.

Which word in the following group doesn't belong relative to the Stracka site?

a. Handicap
b. Golf
c. PGA Tour
d. Principles

# 12    11/26/2011 6:02:23 AM   
What bugs me the most are the negative replies and Jr. HS level bickering that sometimes arises. Yes, the site is about "Golf" but more importantly, it's about "Golfers". So the things which interest us as people, such as our families and hobbies, are just as relevant to me as which courses we play and what equipment we use. How else do you get to know something about someone else?

It has been noted before, by myself and others, that this site could do a much better job of organizing the photo section. If that happens in the fabled site upgrade next year, great! If not (sigh) oh well... It would make sense to me to show one photo in the feed with a link that says, "Jim posted this photo and 20 more today, Click here to see the rest!" It would prevent one poster from clogging up the feed and make a cleaner simpler page layout possible. Will it happen??? I'm not holding my breath.

The only thing I want with my points is a half price or better membership renewal next year. That's easily accomplished by posting or replying to what interests me, posting a few pictures and videos, and generally participating in the site on a day to day basis. I think that's the general idea of the points system in the first place. I don't have a problem with individuals who get the same effect by cutting and pasting "Nice Pic" into every photo on the site.

Mark's "Three Principles" are spot on. You could live an entire life by those simple statements and never go wrong. I have felt for a long time that, what bothers someone and how they react, says far more about them than it does about who or whatever is causing their perceived issue. Here's one of my principles I'd like to add, it's something I used to tell my kids when they were younger. There are lots of petty, small minded, ignorant people in the world and you can't do a thing about it. You can however reduce the number of them by one...

Professional Champion
# 13    11/26/2011 9:05:45 AM   
It really irks me to see clothed women.

# 14    11/26/2011 9:41:12 AM   
Seems that people get a bit riled up at times. If all else fails's terms and conditions could be reviewed. This will take you quite awhile and you will forget what you are riled up about in the first place.

# 15    11/26/2011 10:32:54 AM   
I haven't been on here much since our season ended here, but I'm glad to see that there are more than just a few people with some common sense and rational thinking when it comes to this issue and things simliar to it.

I was beginning to think I was the only one that voiced an opinion. Although it seems whenever I do, it's like throwing a slab of meat to hungry wolves. People just jump on it, degrade you, make assumptions and try their best to tear you down and get the upper hand on anyone that says something that they don't agree with. It's the same group that like to flex their internet muscles. Reminds me of the group of kids in school that need to get all their cronies together to start a battle rather than do it themself and can't even figure out how to look cool smoking a cigarette.

If you want to contribute to this community, do so in a way that people can appreciate. I've played some great courses, but I pick one or two pictures I took as an example to give the viewer a scope of the course. If I see a picture that this community can relate to, I'll post it. If I see something that's funny and hasn't been seen a million times before, I'll post it. If I hear something that's funny or golf related that isn't the same old thing I'll share it.

Posting unimaginative, ordinary and otherwise uninteresting pictures or forums just wastes other member's time and drives people away from the site.

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